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Help please!

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Help please! Empty Help please!

Post by Guest Tue 26 Feb 2013, 05:40

Okay let me start off by saying I followed the Mac specific directions to a T except I purchased the base game and used that instead. I'm not sure if that's why I'm experiencing these issues.. but I hope whatever it is doesn't require me to install everything again. I've been trying to get this game to work for me for a few days now (started on parallels, then decided to just use my Mac). I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Sad I successfully updated to 1.50 and used the ultimate fix properly.

Every expansion that I installed gave me this Help please! Screenshot2013-02-25at104413PM_zpsb3017eb4

It still allowed me to continue the installation, so I did. I was updating the expansions every time I installed them, and then after like Generations I couldn't update them anymore, and was still getting that ^ error. I found it odd but I continued to install them all.

What I noticed next is that half of the icons at the bottom disappeared after getting Town Life Stuff Help please! Screenshot2013-02-25at113041PM_zpsc2beaa61
I thought it was because I couldn't update the expansions anymore but I wasn't sure.

I continued to install them, and after getting 70's, 80's, & 90's stuff (the last one) used the ultimate fix, and i tried running the game. This happened.
Help please! Screenshot2013-02-25at111631PM_zpsa5627134
Help please! Screenshot2013-02-25at111638PM_zps4e2c53b9

Any help would be much appreciated!

I also do not have any custom content, mods, hacks, or anything of that nature.


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Help please! Empty Re: Help please!

Post by Guest Wed 06 Mar 2013, 04:33

I just wanted to update to let you know I fixed it! I applied the super patch and I guess there were corrupted files and it fixed everything. Just in case anyone runs into this issue down the line and is unsure of the cause. Smile


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