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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel. Empty Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

Post by Guest Wed 19 Jun 2013, 00:33

So basically, I live in a communist country. And because a communist country wouldn't be a communist country without daily power surges, power surges happen daily.

Anyway they never caused long-term problems before, but recently a power surge caused my PC to act weird.

Games, movies, programs run perfectly as always, but my mouse cursor is behaving inappropriately. It freezes temporarily / locks up from time to time (when I start an application, open a new window, and most frequently when I move it over an internet link), the design change is delayed (like when I move it over a link, it takes a few seconds to change to the hand cursor). No big deal so far, but the problem is it causes the OS to freeze with it as well. I know it's the mouse because if I don't touch it everything is fine, I've even tried using the keyboard for mouse tasks and it works fine.

PC stuff:

-Intel Core i5-661 (2 Core) 3.33 Ghz CPU
-Intel DP55WB Motherboard
-Nvidia GeForce 550 Ti 1GB GPU
-Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit (illegal, Loader)
-Drivers are up-to-date, always, and I reinstalled them times just yesterday. They are: Intel DP55WB 5 Series Desktop Board driver (CPU + motherboard) and Nvidia GeForce 550 Ti driver (GPU). Mouse does not use drivers, it's a cheap Microsoft wireless mouse. Again, it ran fine before the power surge, before that everything was fine, it's not a driver or battery issue.
-Smart Defrag 2.0 defragmentation and optimization every two weeks
-Advanced System Care PRO maintenance every 3 days, sometimes I clean the registry myself
-Hardware dusting every month
-All components are well cooled, GPU Temp shows no overheating

What really pisses me off is that, the power surge that caused this problem was due to a storm DX I can't even sue the bastards for this one.

Has anybody experienced this and has any idea WTF is going on?

EDIT: I should mention, the mouse works fine in games. It only acts out in Windows mode.


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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel. Empty Re: Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

Post by Guest Wed 19 Jun 2013, 02:18

Do you have a surge protector?

I would consider investing in a surge protector. They are about $9.00 for a basic 6 outlet bar. Make sure your internet is protected as well if you have ADSL (connected to phone line).

It sounds to me like your mouse may have been damaged by the surge. you may need to replace it.


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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel. Empty Re: Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

Post by Guest Wed 19 Jun 2013, 10:26

Sir Auron wrote:Do you have a surge protector?

I would consider investing in a surge protector. They are about $9.00 for a basic 6 outlet bar. Make sure your internet is protected as well if you have ADSL (connected to phone line).

It sounds to me like your mouse may have been damaged by the surge. you may need to replace it.

Yeah I've been meaning to get one of those, I just figured that modern PC's have some sort of surge protector incorporated in them.

I doubt the mouse itself got damaged, since it's wireless. If it's the USB port it uses I'll probably be able to replace it.

I still think the problem is software related though, cause 1. it works fine in games, and 2. it doesn't always occur.


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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel. Empty Re: Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

Post by Guest Wed 19 Jun 2013, 18:03

If it is a wireless mouse, have you tried replacing the batteries?

If it is software related have you tried reinstating the drivers?

As for surge protection, learned that the hard way.. lightning bolt totaled my motherboard.


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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel. Empty Re: Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

Post by Guest Wed 19 Jun 2013, 20:08

Sir Auron wrote:If it is a wireless mouse, have you tried replacing the batteries?

If it is software related have you tried reinstating the drivers?
TUN3R wrote:-Drivers are up-to-date, always, and I reinstalled them times just yesterday. They are: Intel DP55WB 5 Series Desktop Board driver (CPU + motherboard) and Nvidia GeForce 550 Ti driver (GPU). Mouse does not use drivers, it's a cheap Microsoft wireless mouse. Again, it ran fine before the power surge, before that everything was fine, it's not a driver or battery issue.

Here, let me make that bigger for you:

TUN3R wrote:-Drivers are up-to-date, always, and I reinstalled them times just yesterday. They are: Intel DP55WB 5 Series Desktop Board driver (CPU + motherboard) and Nvidia GeForce 550 Ti driver (GPU). Mouse does not use drivers, it's a cheap Microsoft wireless mouse. Again, it ran fine before the power surge, before that everything was fine, it's not a driver or battery issue.


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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel. Empty Re: Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

Post by Admin Fri 21 Jun 2013, 19:49

Hello there,

You can't simply assume it's not a battery issue just because it was working fine before the power surge. Just try it, everything is worth trying.

Also, try moving your mouse closer (if possible, of course) to the receiver. And putting the USB receiver in a different USB port on your PC.
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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel. Empty Re: Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

Post by Guest Fri 21 Jun 2013, 20:50

I already did -.- And my USB is only a 3 - 4 centimeters away from the mouse.

I'm not a retard, when I said that my drivers are up to date and my battery is good I meant it, and I did it to make sure that people don't ask me to update my damn drivers and replace my damn battery!!! I didn't just assume it. If you don't wanna help fine but don't insult my intelligence please.


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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel. Empty Re: Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

Post by Admin Fri 21 Jun 2013, 21:48

Ah yes, you're totally right, I just decided I do not want to help you. Good luck though. Smile
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder
G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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Mouse cursor preparing to rebel. Empty Re: Mouse cursor preparing to rebel.

Post by Guest Fri 21 Jun 2013, 23:36

Admin wrote:Ah yes, you're totally right, I just decided I do not want to help you. Good luck though. Smile

Thanks! And I'm not being sarcastic!


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