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Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12

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Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12  Empty Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12

Post by Guest Mon 15 Jul 2013, 16:26


I have installed all the sims 3 stuff packs and extensions until diesel stuff pack (except high end loft stuff). This worked without any problems. 

After some time I wanted to install supernatural (until paradise island) but I had to install the ultimate fix before I could install supernatural (my version of the game was not compatible with supernatural). After this I installed seasons until paradise island. Every time I got this message during install: "this version of the sims 3 is more recent then expected, sims ... could be incompatible". I didn't really have any other options because without the ultimate fix I couldn't install anything at all, so I went through with the installation. The game kept crashing after 15 mins playing every time. 

I read on this forum the correct way to install, I did everything correct, just I had the wrong crack. I put the crack from the ultimate fix where it's supposed to be and the game worked fine for hours. 

When I opened my buy/build mode there were some black areas though. After this I wanted to save and restart but I got save error 12. Now every time I open the game after some time playing the build/buy mode gets black areas and I can't save my game anymore after this. The "live" mode keeps working fine, though it's pointless when I can't save my progress. 

I'm playing on os x version 10.8.4.

I hope someone here can help me with this problem, your help will be appreciated.


Helper edit: Topic moved to "Mac support".

- Carlos G.


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Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12  Empty Re: Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12

Post by Guest Mon 05 Aug 2013, 11:17

Sorry, I can't help you...
I'm a Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12  1490881299 when it comes to Mac...
And sorry for the delay.


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Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12  Empty Re: Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12

Post by Phoebe Mon 05 Aug 2013, 22:59


Please check this wonderful blogs about error 12.
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Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12  Empty Re: Buy/Build mode goes black, after this save error code 12

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