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Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED]

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Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED] Empty Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 03 Aug 2013, 22:13

So it seems like many people here are having a similar problem. Just wanted to see if anyone has any insights on the problem yet.

I bought the base game and world adventures long ago and just recently started playing again. I've wanted to explore some of the new content so I downloaded a couple expansions (Supernatural and Island Paradise) from G4TW, and read through the Mac user guide, followed it to-a-T. The problem occurs after I've extracted the files and copied all of the contents into a new disk image. The guide now says to open up the .dmg and open the Installer. The Installer icon seems to respond to the "open" command, but no installer window, or otherwise any window opens after the fact. 

If anyone's made any progress on the issue, let me know!


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Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 05 Aug 2013, 10:51

Sorry, I can't help you...
I'm a Noob when it comes to Mac...


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Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED]

Post by Phoebe Mon 05 Aug 2013, 22:22


Maybe trying the other way of creating a .dmg image can help you at this point? Use StuffIt expander the open the game you downloaded and extract the files in rar to a new file on your desktop. Then go to Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility. Go to the menu above the screen and click to File/New/Disk Image From Folder then choose the folder that you created before and let it create the disk image. 

After the installation, open the disk image and try if it works with this way.
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
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Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 07 Aug 2013, 07:14

Wow, and just like that!

I did get the "no game disc found" error at first, but an ultimate fix solved that problem pretty quickly. I've just launched the game and, so far, so good!

Thanks so much, Phoebe!


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Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 07 Aug 2013, 07:41


Good to hear it work!

Is there anything we can help with?


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Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED]

Post by Phoebe Wed 07 Aug 2013, 13:29

Hello CaitSch,

Happy to hear that worked for you! 

If you have another problem, please feel free to open a new post and ask for our help.

Topic is closed.
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
Discharged with Honors

G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

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Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Sims 3 Expansions - Installer not opening. [SOLVED]

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