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Pirate Bay

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Pirate Bay Empty Pirate Bay

Post by Guest Thu 05 Sep 2013, 04:24

Hello I'm new here so I'm not sure if this is in the right category but anyways

I just wanted to know if the proxy for pirate bay does more than just allow access in countries that have it blocked. I already got caught once using it, apparently comcast sent me a warning yada yada and I don't know any other good (and preferably safe) torrenting sites. So if I torrent through the proxy, would I be at risk, or is it more like an IP scrambler?

thanks, and btw this website is awesome.


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Pirate Bay Empty Re: Pirate Bay

Post by J.T. Thu 05 Sep 2013, 07:48

hishoukame wrote:Hello I'm new here so I'm not sure if this is in the right category but anyways

I just wanted to know if the proxy for pirate bay does more than just allow access in countries that have it blocked. I already got caught once using it, apparently comcast sent me a warning yada yada and I don't know any other good (and preferably safe) torrenting sites. So if I torrent through the proxy, would I be at risk, or is it more like an IP scrambler?

thanks, and btw this website is awesome.

Proxy usually bypasses the restrictions of using Piratebay, but I am not sure if the government can spy on your internet activities when you are using proxy. By the way, Games4theworld also provides a proxy site too: http://www.proxy.games4theworlddownloads.org/

Check out this website to see if it helps. If you want to download torrents from games4theworld without being tracked down, you can always check out www.games4theworld.org.
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