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Issues installing expansion packs

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Issues installing expansion packs Empty Issues installing expansion packs

Post by Guest Mon 16 Dec 2013, 20:16

Hi! I've been struggling with this for a week or so now, looked around the forum and I can't find any threads that help.

I've currently got physical retail copies installed of The Sims 3 base game, world adventures, seasons, generations, showtime and supernatural. I want to install some more, so I've decided to torrent them.

I completed all the steps of The Sims 3 Ultimate Fix. And I've now torrented Fast Lane Stuff. I'm trying to follow the installation guide provided by G4TW in the file, but when I open the set up file it says that it can't open as Macs don't support Microsoft products. What do I do?

I've heard I might have to use a winebottler program? But I have no idea what that is. 

Any guidance or help would be much appreciated. 


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Issues installing expansion packs Empty Re: Issues installing expansion packs

Post by Phoebe Mon 16 Dec 2013, 23:18


First you need to read "How to Install Sims 3 on Mac" guide, before the Ultimate Fix. Ultimate Fix guide is after you completed installing the games and ready to crack them. So please read this guide here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t11808-brand-new-how-to-install-the-sims-3-on-mac-os-guide-read-it-here-now-new

Please let me know if you need to know anything more. Good luck! The Sims Plumbob 1
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