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Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up.

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Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up. Empty Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up.

Post by Guest Fri 03 Jan 2014, 10:19

okay, basically my computer takes like 3 minutes to turn itself on. its pretty fast until it gets to the part where it loads the windows logo, then it takes like 2 minutes for it to load up then it goes on fine. im pretty sure its not a virus problem, as i have avg and malwarebytes. I also have spybot but thats not really an antivirus tool.
i have windows 7 home premium that i torrented from the pirate bay. im unsure if im allowed to post the link here so im just going to be safe and not.
but its 64 bit. i installed it back in april, and i didnt have problems until sometime in november. i also read somewhere about checking for errors in the system and i had a whole bunch and ill put them under a spoiler 

this showed up 67 times and i think snmp is something about wired connections? i use a wifi connection, and i tried using a wired one once but my computer wouldnt recognize the connection so i just gave up. hahha

i have no idea what this is lmao

this only happened once back in august but better safe than sorry

the fatal alert part has me worried


there were otherss but one was just permissions issues one was how the update wouldnt install internet explorer 11 and the last was something about an ip address conflict but it was for an ip address for a house i havent lived at in like 3 months
and lastly theres two computer names because i changed the name today because i just realized i misspelled mystery wrong ha,,,,

if you need anything else (my specs whatever) tell me,,,,, i am really tired of my computer not starting up as quickly as i want it to
anyway, thanks in advance!


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Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up. Empty Re: Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up.

Post by Admin Sat 04 Jan 2014, 01:48

Hello there,

Did this problem start at a specific point or just suddenly from one day to another?

Please don't call AVG an anti-virus software, that just hurts my feelings.  No 
Even though you don't think it's a virus, I do recommend that you run a virus scan via a bootable disc. I recommend the Kaspersky one: http://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/rescuedisk?level=2#downloads
Download the .ISO and burn it on a CD, using CD burning software.

After doing that, insert de disc in your CD/DVD drive and turn off the PC. Now boot the PC from the disc. (So don't boot Windows)
It'll start loading the disc (might take a while), but after that you'll see a graphical interface from where you can choose to do a complete PC virus scan and clean them afterwards. (Since Windows is never actually loaded, ALL files will be scanned, even if the potential virus is "hidden", and therefore undetectable for anti-virus software, in a running Windows environment)

Two things though:

1. UPDATE the anti-virus' signature database, prior to running a scan.
2. The scan can take a lot of time, depending on how much stuff you have on your PC. Make sure to do a complete computer scan. To give you an idea: a scan can take 5+ hours.

And yes, can you please provide your system specifications too?

Another thing I recommend, is downloading CCleaner from www.ccleaner.com . Open it and run and clean via the normal scan and the Registry scan.
After that, navigate to "Tools" > "Startup" and disable all startup items you do not use. (Remove as much as possible, especially the programs that you can also start manually anyway)

Good luck!
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Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up. Empty Re: Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 05 Jan 2014, 00:11


In addition, try a proper "disk cleanup". Do it like this:

First of all, go to any folder, and click on "Organize" in the top left corner. Then go to "folder and search options". Go to the "view"-tab and and mark the circle where it says "show hidden files, folders and drives". Click on apply, then OK.

Now, go to C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\Temp. Inside that "Temp" folder, delete everything you can. If something can't be deleted, skip it, and go on with the rest.

After that, go to C:\Windows and delete the contents of the folders "Prefetch" and "Temp". Don't delete the folders themselves, just the contents !

Now, go to "Computer" and right-click on your C: drive. In the "general"-tab, choose disk cleanup and follow the instructions, to delete the results shown.

Re-boot the computer, and then see if that helped you (too).

I once had a very similar problem, with the difference that not only my computer took a VERY long time to start up, everything I did, once it started, took extremely long; it was pretty much like a very heavy lag. Once I did the above, everything was smooth again. And I didn't have any virusses, but still: like Admin said, you should definitely re-check your computer for that too !

Good luck !
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Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up. Empty Re: Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up.

Post by Guest Sun 05 Jan 2014, 07:53

i cant remember when it started, but im sure its been recently (as in the past 2 months or so)

ahhh sorry, ive never had a problem with avg (other then the endless PLEASE UPGRADE!!!s BOOST YOUR PC NOW!!!!!s) so i have no room to complain about it.
and, i haven't a cd-rom currently, but ill try to get one monday, then update on that.
as for my system specs, here they are (btw i have a custom built computer by my brother)
os: Windows 7 Home Premium (6.1, Build 7601)
system manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
system model: GA-990FXA-UD3
BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
memory: 4096MB RAM
card name: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x683D)

oh, i have cccleaner i just forgot i did haha,, but ive used it after the problem started and it didnt solve anything

and for carlos's reply, i deleted my temp folder files
and ive deleted the first files contents in the windows subfolder and the second wouldn't allow me to, one file i didnt have permission for, and the other was in use (it was avg)
ill restart it in a minute and update with the results (i wanted to get this reply in first)

UPDATE: sadly, the file deletion didn't work at all. :( i feel like it even got slower...


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Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up. Empty Re: Computer takes like 3 minutes to start up.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 05 Jan 2014, 11:46

auti wrote:i cant remember when it started, but im sure its been recently (as in the past 2 months or so)

ahhh sorry, ive never had a problem with avg (other then the endless PLEASE UPGRADE!!!s BOOST YOUR PC NOW!!!!!s) so i have no room to complain about it.
and, i haven't a cd-rom currently, but ill try to get one monday, then update on that.

oh, i have cccleaner i just forgot i did haha,, but ive used it after the problem started and it didnt solve anything

and for carlos's reply, i deleted my temp folder files
and ive deleted the first files contents in the windows subfolder and the second wouldn't allow me to, one file i didnt have permission for, and the other was in use (it was avg)
ill restart it in a minute and update with the results (i wanted to get this reply in first)

UPDATE: sadly, the file deletion didn't work at all. Sad i feel like it even got slower...

I'm sorry to hear that you were unlucky about the disk cleanup, but normally, it shouldn't slow down your computer.

If you want to give it a try, go to "Computers" and right-click on the C: drive again. In the "tools" tab, go to "Error checking". In the next window, you'll see "Check disk options", and two boxes - MARK both boxes and hit "start". You will then be prompted to "schedule a disk check", which you should confirm.

The next time upon re-boot, the drive check will take place, but keep in mind that this can take a long while to complete. And I'm not sure if it can help you at all, but it's still worth to keep that option in mind.

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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