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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 01 Aug 2014, 09:47


I keep getting the black screen as soon as i try to exit the game. I always save first then quit. And this is the second time this has happened (first was yesterday). I haven't experienced anything bad in-game, everything seems to run smoothly and I haven't had any issues while/when trying to save.

I also have a dual monitor and they both have the black screen, giving me no choice really other than to restart in order to be able get to the desktop. I have tried running the task manager, pressing the windows button, and alt + f4 which i found in some yahoo answer thing and none of them worked.

I'm not too sure if it relates to this but when i got the sims 2 ultimate collection, i had a problem wherein i was stuck with the 800x600 resolution and one of the suggestions to fix this was to update my driver i think it was. so i did and it seemed to have fixed my sims 2 issue. again im not sure if this is related since my sims 3 game seems to be running okay and normal. but in any case, im just putting it out there.

also i checked my saves folder and the save file is there. so im pretty sure it's been saved properly. which is great but i dont really fancy having to restart everytime i want to exit the game. i'd also like to say that i haven't played sims 3 for a few weeks now that's why im not too sure as to what could've caused this.

hopefully someone can help me out and thank you!!


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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 01 Aug 2014, 23:00

fantasticbaby wrote:

I keep getting the black screen as soon as i try to exit the game. I always save first then quit. And this is the second time this has happened (first was yesterday). I haven't experienced anything bad in-game, everything seems to run smoothly and I haven't had any issues while/when trying to save.

I also have a dual monitor and they both have the black screen, giving me no choice really other than to restart in order to be able get to the desktop. I have tried running the task manager, pressing the windows button, and alt + f4 which i found in some yahoo answer thing and none of them worked.

I'm not too sure if it relates to this but when i got the sims 2 ultimate collection, i had a problem wherein i was stuck with the 800x600 resolution and one of the suggestions to fix this was to update my driver i think it was. so i did and it seemed to have fixed my sims 2 issue. again im not sure if this is related since my sims 3 game seems to be running okay and normal. but in any case, im just putting it out there.

also i checked my saves folder and the save file is there. so im pretty sure it's been saved properly. which is great but i dont really fancy having to restart everytime i want to exit the game. i'd also like to say that i haven't played sims 3 for a few weeks now that's why im not too sure as to what could've caused this.

hopefully someone can help me out and thank you!!


Can you at first tell me a few of your system specs - like how many GBs of RAM your computer has and if your Windows is a 32-bit or 64-bit edition ? Smile  Also, are you using "GameBooster" ? (for a guide on that, see this link here).

Have you tested for how long this "black screen" lasts ? In my case, even with a stronger desktop computer, the black screen stays there for a relatively short time, but it takes a little while until any other program "react"...

Also, does this happen EVERY time you end the Sims 3, or "only" occasionally ? 
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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 02 Aug 2014, 11:24


so here's a screenshot of my system thing.

Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Untitl10

also, in terms of the GameBooster thing, i dont actually have it but during my recent driver update it was suggested that i install Raptr which sounds pretty similar to the description of gamebooster i think. so idk if they would have the same effect to my game/computer.

like i am familiar with the black screen happening after exiting the game and it usually lasts like never more than five seconds at least. but when this major black screen of terror first happened, it actually lasted for a few hours. i left it and watched a movie in the lounge and came back to my room and found the screen off. i assumed that it might have gone to sleep so i turned it back on and was greeted by the same black screen.

also this was only the second time it has ever happened in my history of playing the game and i have been playing for a loooooong time, have experienced common issues like crashing, lagging, and other crap. but never this. so im a bit confused. i feel like i should also mention that i tried testing it on far cry 3 just in case and it exited the game just fine.

so yeah. thank you for replying!! and thank you for trying to help me out!!


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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 04 Aug 2014, 00:14



Look at my suggestions there, and tell me if you are familiar with them. Smile  If you have already done all these things, ignore them though.

If you heard the first time of them, then please do everything I described there. Good luck again !
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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 05 Aug 2014, 02:53

hiiii are the guides/suggestions that you mentioned in that post only for like the downloaded copy of the game through torrents? because all my games were bought and i'm playing with a physical copy of the game. also, with the 4gb patch is it only for the torrent copy or can it also be used in my case? although i am willing to try Razor's GameBooster.



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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 05 Aug 2014, 02:58

fantasticbaby wrote:hiiii are the guides/suggestions that you mentioned in that post only for like the downloaded copy of the game through torrents? because all my games were bought and i'm playing with a physical copy of the game. also, with the 4gb patch is it only for the torrent copy or can it also be used in my case? although i am willing to try Razor's GameBooster.


The things I mentioned should just work fine yor your disc versions of the game too (btw, as G4TW's games are made "out of" the retail disc versions, they are technically the same, actually Very Happy ).

Likewise, the "4 GB patch" can be applied too. Just look into your base game location, and apply that 4 GB patch to the TS3W.exe.
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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 05 Aug 2014, 03:31

oooh okay i will try it when i get the chance!! thanks again for helping me out and i will let you know how it goes!! Smile


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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 06 Aug 2014, 14:23

fantasticbaby wrote:oooh okay i will try it when i get the chance!! thanks again for helping me out and i will let you know how it goes!! Smile

Take your time and let me know how it went. Smile 

 Tea 5 
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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 12 Aug 2014, 11:06

hey hiiiiii

really happy about the 4gb patch!! fixed the problem completely Smile

thanks so much u r literally the best.


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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 12 Aug 2014, 12:21

fantasticbaby wrote:hey hiiiiii

really happy about the 4gb patch!! fixed the problem completely Smile

thanks so much u r literally the best.

Well, good to hear that - although I didn't really expect it to be solved that way (lol). Do you have any other questions or can I close the thread ? Smile  
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 13 Aug 2014, 06:46

i did a couple of things like the 4gb patch and removing Raptr. so im just thinking that they both made it work somehow hahaha

but yeah thanks again and go ahead with closing this thread. Smile

Mod edit: problem solved, topic closed. Have fun ! Smile 

- Carlos


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Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Black screen during or after exiting. [SOLVED]

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