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Can't Send Sims to University

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Can't Send Sims to University Empty Can't Send Sims to University

Post by Guest Fri 12 Sep 2014, 18:27

I have seen that I'm not the only one with this problem but I couldn't solve it myself so... I am here  Why.

When I enroll any amount of Sims to University, it loads and then gives me the World Starting Screen saying:
"Do you wanna create new family m8?"
"I has good families come choose one!"
"Hey I see homeless Sims, move 'em from ma Library!"

And my Sims doesn't even arrive. 

I have ErrorTrap and several more mods but not so much. Also yeah, kinda alot of Custom Content.

Base Game, Seasons, Geneartions are installed and University Life is installed freshly.

Looking forward to your answers, since this forum seems to be the most reliable source for info-downloads-problem fixes about The Sims! Thanks for all your help!


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Can't Send Sims to University Empty Re: Can't Send Sims to University

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 13 Sep 2014, 02:12

Talisam wrote:I have seen that I'm not the only one with this problem but I couldn't solve it myself so... I am here  Why.

When I enroll any amount of Sims to University, it loads and then gives me the World Starting Screen saying:
"Do you wanna create new family m8?"
"I has good families come choose one!"
"Hey I see homeless Sims, move 'em from ma Library!"

And my Sims doesn't even arrive. 

I have ErrorTrap and several more mods but not so much. Also yeah, kinda alot of Custom Content.

Base Game, Seasons, Geneartions are installed and University Life is installed freshly.

Looking forward to your answers, since this forum seems to be the most reliable source for info-downloads-problem fixes about The Sims! Thanks for all your help!

Hello Talisam and welcome,

This is a well-known (and highly annoying) glitch. Which EA hasn't bothered to fix, and for which, unfortunately, there is no "direct" solution. Can you - for now - try installing the latest available versions of the NRAAS_Traveler and NRAAS_Overwatch mods ? Just install the mod, re-start the game and try travelling again to the university world.

Good luck for now, and do keep me posted, so that we may try other possible workarounds too. Smile  
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