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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Thu 28 Aug 2014, 03:15


I currently still have Windows XP (I know, I know).  I have downloaded the ISO for the 8.1 Windows. 

Is it possible to install 8.1 without burning the ISO to a DVD (I don't currently have one). 
And if so, how can I?



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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Admin Thu 28 Aug 2014, 04:42

Hi there,

Welcome to the Forum!
I highly recommend using the DVD method.
It's also possible to do it via a USB stick though. I've never done that before (with Windows 8.1), so try this: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/windows-8/a/install-windows-8-usb.htm
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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Thu 28 Aug 2014, 20:20

For ISO files, i'm usually using this:
1. Disable your "Hide extensions from known file types"
2. Change the .iso into .zip /.rar
3. Extract it
4. Search the .exe file and execute the program
5. ???
Well, that's my usual trick... But, it's still "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED" to burn your data (for your safety)...
Hope it helps. Thanks before... Very Happy


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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 28 Aug 2014, 20:44

MazETeR wrote:Hello,
For ISO files, i'm usually using this:
1. Disable your "Hide extensions from known file types"
2. Change the .iso into .zip /.rar
3. Extract it
4. Search the .exe file and execute the program
5. ???
Well, that's my usual trick... But, it's still "HIGHLY RECOMMENDED" to burn your data (for your safety)...
Hope it helps. Thanks before... Very Happy

A small sidenote: no "need" to rename file extensions. Wink  I'm not even sure if that's recommended in all cases. In any way, you can simply extract all the contents of an .ISO file, to an empty folder. Then you can start the installation from the autorun.exe, inside that folder, too.

But this isn't relevant anyway here, since you should really BURN the .ISO to a physical DVD, or at least make a bootable USB-flashdrive.
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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Sat 30 Aug 2014, 14:58

Good Morning Carlos I do know you do good work here and I would like you to know that there is a site with the latest releases of Windows Windows XP, Windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit and Windows 8 32 and 64 bit. I give you this site but please make sure you delete this message so that only you and the Admins can see what I am talking about. Very few of the releases are no good but most are AWESOME.



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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 30 Aug 2014, 16:34

Haakonas wrote:Good Morning Carlos I do know you do good work here and I would like you to know that there is a site with the latest releases of Windows Windows XP, Windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit and Windows 8 32 and 64 bit. I give you this site but please make sure you delete this message so that only you and the Admins can see what I am talking about. Very few of the releases are no good but most are AWESOME.


Hey Haakonas,

Thanks for the effort, but I decided to censor the link, just to be safe. While it's not the classic "outside download link", it appears to be a warez-site, which is not allowed either on here (the forum host is keeping an eye on such things).

But I still appreciate your effort ! Smile  For the future though, please PM either one of the (active) Moderators or the Admin straight away, if you see interesting stuff like that, instead of posting on the forum.


I will forward the link you posted, to the Admin. Wink 
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Admin Sun 31 Aug 2014, 03:07

Hi Haakonas,

Thank you for the link. I've looked at it and there's some nice stuff on it, but we probably won't do anything with it (in the near future).
We're currently too busy with The Sims 4. You probably noticed the mess on the Forum. Razz

Carlos wrote:While it's not the classic "outside download link", it appears to be a warez-site, which is not allowed either on here (the forum host is keeping an eye on such things).
The irony, right?

Haakonas requested us to remove his post anyway, so I don't see why we should "uncensor" it again.
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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Sun 31 Aug 2014, 13:18

Yes All I truly wanted was for you Admins and Carlos to see the site and as I clearly put that I did not want it to be shown to others I placed a warning again just a Heads up.


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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Sun 31 Aug 2014, 14:28

It cannot be run windows 8.1 autorun.exe directly from windows xp. 
I folowed one site guide (i can't give you a link cause i'm new member, stupid rule) and it worked for me, You can try also if you have spare HDD

Enter the following commands, (replace X with what applies to your hard drive):

list disk
select disk X
list partition
select partition X
X:\boot\bootsect.exe /nt60 X:

Exit and shutdown.

Note: If you’re working on a 32-bit system, and you want to install 64-bit Windows, you may get problems trying to run the last command (X:\boot\bootsect.exe /nt60 X:).

Let me now if is working for you.


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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Admin Mon 01 Sep 2014, 21:55

Markus_Wolf wrote:(i can't give you a link cause i'm new member, stupid rule)
Hi Markus,

Just so you know: that's not just a stupid rule, it's a spam prevention method.
If we'd turn it off, bots could just register and spam all over the place.
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Tue 02 Sep 2014, 03:07

Admin wrote:
Markus_Wolf wrote:(i can't give you a link cause i'm new member, stupid rule)
Hi Markus,

Just so you know: that's not just a stupid rule, it's a spam prevention method.
If we'd turn it off, bots could just register and spam all over the place.
I understand. My sincerely apologize.


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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Tue 02 Sep 2014, 15:13

Just to let you know that I now use Rufus when installing an OS and this program is by far the Hottest piece of Software I have ever used for installing Windows 7 and Windows 8 - 8.1. It is called RUFUS version 1.4.10 and this is all that is needed to install the OS correctly and without a hitch.

One last thing is I cannot wait for the Microsoft version of Windows 9 which will be better than what I believe is the Garbage OS's which is Windows 8 which turned out to be a Windows Vista or Windows Me piece of Basura (Garbage). Sorry just had to put that in there and this New OS Windows 9 will be available very soon. In 2015 I have heard that even Microsoft themselves hated Windows 8 and fired the Designer which is why they are pushing for Windows 9 to be released so soon.


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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Tue 02 Sep 2014, 17:38

And why do you think that win 9 would be better than win 8.1 ?
Personaly for me win 8.1 is much better than win 7


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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty I am sorry but is this supposed to be an inside joke only known to you?

Post by Guest Tue 02 Sep 2014, 18:57

Markus_Wolf wrote:And why do you think that win 9 would be better than win 8.1 ?
Personaly for me win 8.1 is much better than win 7

Microsoft themselves have terminated the very man who created windows 8 and was fired for his OS made for a touch screen. Also why is Windows 9 heading to stores before windows 8 has even seen a multitude of USE. Not much needs to be added as I and many others agree that Windows 8 was not only a failure but it is people like My Wife and users like yourself who were too used to Linux or macs to see the difference. I mean no disrespect but I am with the 95% who hated and even Microsoft themselves Hated Windows 8 Let the TRUTH be told. Microsoft even thought for a few months to give this OS out for Free because they saw the failure they produced.

This was all in an article dealing with the failures of Windows 8 and How Windows 9 will be as useful as Windows 7 and Windows XP were or are.
And as well all should know that most companies are still using Windows Xp and shall be changing over to Windows 7 or even Windows 9 in the future.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I would not speak if I myself did not know this. So yes Brother Windows 8 was a BIG Flop exactly as Windows Vista and Windows Me came and failed.

Latest News: 
Did Microsoft just admit Windows 8 is its worst operating system ever?

Reports say that Microsoft will abandon the Windows 8 Start screen interface for traditional computers in the next version of Windows, code-named Threshold. That's a pretty drastic step. Does it mean that Microsoft recognizes that Windows 8 was the biggest operating system bust in its history?

The change is essentially Microsoft's admission that Windows 8 has been a failure. It's the biggest turnaround that Microsoft has ever made when it comes to operating systems, nearly the equivalent of if the company had reverted back to DOS after the release of Windows.

And Of course any additions you or anyone would like to make is surely intended and wanted.


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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 02 Sep 2014, 19:17

Markus_Wolf wrote:And why do you think that win 9 would be better than win 8.1 ?
Personaly for me win 8.1 is much better than win 7

Haakonas wrote:
Microsoft themselves have terminated the very man who created windows 8 and was fired for his OS made for a touch screen. Also why is Windows 9 heading to stores before windows 8 has even seen a multitude of USE. Not much needs to be added as I and many others agree that Windows 8 was not only a failure but it is people like My Wife and users like yourself who were too used to Linux or macs to see the difference. I mean no disrespect but I am with the 95% who hated and even Microsoft themselves Hated Windows 8 Let the TRUTH be told. Microsoft even thought for a few months to give this OS out for Free because they saw the failure they produced.

This was all in an article dealing with the failures of Windows 8 and How Windows 9 will be as useful as Windows 7 and Windows XP were or are.
And as well all should know that most companies are still using Windows Xp and shall be changing over to Windows 7 or even Windows 9 in the future.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I would not speak if I myself did not know this. So yes Brother Windows 8 was a BIG Flop exactly as Windows Vista and Windows Me came and failed.

Latest News: 
[size=44]Did Microsoft just admit Windows 8 is its worst operating system ever?[/size]

Reports say that Microsoft will abandon the Windows 8 Start screen interface for traditional computers in the next version of Windows, code-named Threshold. That's a pretty drastic step. Does it mean that Microsoft recognizes that Windows 8 was the biggest operating system bust in its history?

The change is essentially Microsoft's admission that Windows 8 has been a failure. It's the biggest turnaround that Microsoft has ever made when it comes to operating systems, nearly the equivalent of if the company had reverted back to DOS after the release of Windows.

And Of course any additions you or anyone would like to make is surely intended and wanted.

Let's not get too off-topic guys, OK ? Smile  If you really want to discuss the (dis)advantages of Windows OSes, feel free to make a NEW thread in the "Software" forum. Here:


Otherwise, the topic will just become too difficult to read and follow.
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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Tue 02 Sep 2014, 19:19

Oh no I have no issues as I have stated what I and many in the World of The Internet have stated. Just had to show my proof.


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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by Guest Tue 02 Sep 2014, 19:39

you can get poweriso and mount it virtually. which is easier


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Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD? Empty Re: Windows 8.1 ISO - install without burning to DVD?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 02 Sep 2014, 19:49

theobvioushero wrote:you can get poweriso and mount it virtually. which is easier

Hello theobvioushero,

During (re-)installation of OSes, the hard drive will be erased/formatted completely - hence any mounting software and "virtual drives" too. So that method isn't going to work. Better burn it to a DVD or maybe use a USB-flashdrive.
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