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Windows 8 isn't activated.

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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Guest Fri 05 Sep 2014, 03:37

Hi guys!  Smile
I have re-installed windows 8. 
W8 is already installed but I don't accept any password. 
And it's very annoying because a screen appears every few hours to activate. 
Can anyone help? 
Thank you in advance. 


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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Guest Fri 05 Sep 2014, 20:14

What type of screen keeps poping up?
Can we have a screenshot please?


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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Admin Sat 06 Sep 2014, 01:02


Did you use the included Activator?
If not, please read the instructions that came with the torrents on how to do that.
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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Guest Sat 06 Sep 2014, 01:13

As soon as the screen appears I will take a picture and I will show you it.

I haven't used Activator, I just installed W8, I introduced a serial that it accepted me, but when I start W8 the screen appears. I can use W8 but this screen appears again and again.
Can you tell me what torrent do you mean? In this page? 

I had this W8 (pirate) on a disk in my house (without serial).

Thanks for the answers! And sorry for my English.


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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Admin Sat 06 Sep 2014, 01:41


So you didn't install the Games4theworld Windows 8.1 torrent?
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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Guest Sat 06 Sep 2014, 01:45

No, my version isn't of this website. 
It's windows 8. 
Perhaps there is any way to activate it without serial?


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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Admin Sat 06 Sep 2014, 02:02

Hi there,

I've uploaded the Activator-only for you here: http://goo.gl/tvTHN2
Download it, run it as an Administrator and then use it to activate your Windows 8.
Don't forget to restart your PC afterwards!
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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Guest Sat 06 Sep 2014, 02:24

Oh god! I Don't know how you do it but you have always the right solution!
You are the best. Thank you! Very Happy
Best regards,


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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Admin Sat 06 Sep 2014, 04:02

Hi there,

I secretly added some magic to that download, that's why!
Anyway, you're very welcome.

Anything else we can currently help you with? Very Happy
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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by Guest Sun 07 Sep 2014, 15:25

if you buy windows 8. you can get windows 8.1 for free Smile


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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 07 Sep 2014, 18:58

theobvioushero wrote:if you buy windows 8. you can get windows 8.1 for free Smile

Hello again,

I would actually recommend NOT to buy Windows 8, primarily due to its (compatibility) issues with lots of games, especially older ones. Unless, of course, you really want to spend money on that. [/offtopic]
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Windows 8 isn't activated. Empty Re: Windows 8 isn't activated.

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