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"Cannot start b/c required game data is missing or damaged. Please try reinstalling the game"

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"Cannot start b/c required game data is missing or damaged. Please try reinstalling the game" Empty "Cannot start b/c required game data is missing or damaged. Please try reinstalling the game"

Post by Guest Wed 08 Apr 2015, 20:23

I download the Sims 4 from here and installed it just fine and the game works. I did everything that I was suppose to do. I installed the GTW the same way and it doesn't work for me, but I noticed the game does update, because I have the ultimate fix installed. Now here is where it gets tricky.

I have the Sims 4 icon on my desktop, I click it and the game starts up fine, but when I install the GTW4 and go into the Game/bin folder and click the TS4.exe I always get "Unable to start: Cannot start b/c required game data is missing or damaged. Please try re installing the game." BUT if I click the desktop icon of just the TS4 I can access the game. 

Now I have both of my antivirus things turned off and I completely uninstalled origin so I know that's that not problem. I also don't have a game folder when I first install the Sims 4, even when I play the game. I have to get it from the crack and the VC folder doesn't have the "vcredist_x64.exe" just the 86. 

Someone....help..please. This is the 4th day and I'm just bout ready to give up.


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"Cannot start b/c required game data is missing or damaged. Please try reinstalling the game" Empty Re: "Cannot start b/c required game data is missing or damaged. Please try reinstalling the game"

Post by Sim Architect Tue 25 Aug 2015, 23:31

Please, follow the instructions in the VIDEO below and download the stuff from the link in its description at YouTube.
It is more up to date and it should work. Let us know if you need further assistance or if you got your game working. Thanks!

Tea 5 Tea 5  

How to Install The Sims 4 with Cool Kitchen Stuff, Spa Day and all DLCs (with torrent link)!
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

Windows version :
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : Plants vs Zombies, The Sims 3, Cities Skylines, The Sims 4


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Join date : 2012-03-10
Age : 45
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