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No more opportunities?

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No more opportunities? Empty No more opportunities?

Post by Guest Sun 07 Jun 2015, 16:42

Hello, hello.

(FYI: I installed the game about a week ago and followed everything carefully. I installed everything except Generations which was giving me a weird error, saying the version of Generations was too old compared to the other ones. Anyway, no biggie, I installed everything else and have been playing happily, with CAS CC ever since.)

There's something that I noticed, after a few days of playing with a household. You know how you get those random phone calls that give you job related or just random opportunities? Yes, well, I still get those calls, but my Sim will just answer the phone, say a few words and then turn it off. There's no opportunity pop up window or anything, which I used to get when I owned the official copy of the game a few years back.

I have no idea what could be causing this, since everything else in the game basically works like a charm, so far at least. I saw someone else posted a similar topic in 2014 but it had no responses, so I'm bringing this subject up again. Any ideas, anyone? It would help me a bunch!

Ps. No, opportunities are NOT turned off for me, I've checked three times by now.


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No more opportunities? Empty Re: No more opportunities?

Post by Sim Architect Sun 07 Jun 2015, 22:42

Welcome to Games 4 the World!

There is a manual patch for Generations, maybe you need to install it to fix the problem (not sure, but worth a try)?

Please let's know how things turned out.

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No more opportunities? Empty Re: No more opportunities?

Post by Guest Mon 08 Jun 2015, 17:36

Hey! Thanks for the suggestion! Here are the results:

I actually managed to install Generations, so it was all good, thanks! However, after a bit of gameplay, I made an observation: I only get opportunities related to work. Like I said, the opportunities through phone calls still don't work for me, and my Sim keeps answering the phone, but then denies it without a pop-up window showing up to inform me about an opportunity. It's a tad annoying, since independent career paths like alchemist and the like are basically impossible to do if you don't get opportunities through your phone.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Everything else, as I said, is all good.


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No more opportunities? Empty Re: No more opportunities?

Post by Sim Architect Mon 08 Jun 2015, 21:33

This does not sound completely new to me, but I did not find info anywhere, sorry.

I saw there is another (older) post about it, I asked there if they found a solution for the issue. I have a feeling, actually, that I have found myself with this very same issue, but I did not pay much attention because I wasn't in need for opportunities.

I hope we can figure out a fix for it, though, since it's a nice part of the game (even though I am mostly a builder)!

Meanwhile, let's keep digging and having tea Smile

Please let me know if you find anything!

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
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No more opportunities? Empty Re: No more opportunities?

Post by Guest Mon 08 Jun 2015, 23:10

Hi again,

I did some digging around and it looks like it's a general bug with the Into the Future EP. Here's what someone one another site said:

"The problem is that there is coding in ITF that, when a phone rings with an opportunity, if your sim is not inside a rabbithole, they will automatically decline the opportunity - you don't receive the popup window. The only exceptions I am aware of is related specifically to ITF opportunities - the ones in Oasis Landing, and a couple to do with the new instrument, Laser Rhythm-a-con."

Looks like I'll be uninstalling this EP. But it's good to know this is a general thing. Too bad EA won't fix their coding, especially now with Sims 4 out on the market I doubt they would do so.

Hope this helps anyone who has this same issue in the future. Seems like the only plausible solution is to either keep the last EP or uninstall it. I just might do it after I back up my saves.


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No more opportunities? Empty Re: No more opportunities?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 09 Jun 2015, 03:57

Shendelzhare wrote:Hi again,

I did some digging around and it looks like it's a general bug with the Into the Future EP. Here's what someone one another site said:


Interesting thing, though I myself (as with most other stuff people usually report on here) have never experienced that thing in my own game. It may be a general bug, but the interesting thing would be what exactly triggers it. My opportunities never glitch(ed) out that way.

Also, I would actually recommend to keep the expansion. In general, you should not (blindly) un-install anything unless you absolutely want to get rid of something, or there is some sort of game-breaking bug. While that glitch - as it seems to happen witha  few people - appears annoying, I would still keep the EP. But of course, that's up to you.
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