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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by coolcandy3001 Sat 03 Oct 2015, 23:34

Hey guys!~

In the summer of 2017, I am being taken to Borneo through Camps International, not only for a trip of a lifetime - but to help out the locals of the the towns I visit by building schools, toilets, cleaning beaches and teaching the children learn.

Now, this trip isn't cheap... infact, it's £4,170 (approx 6329 USD, 5646 EURO) which is... a lot Embarassed 

Despite doing normal fundraising activites such as bake sales, raffles and gigs I have decided to set up a RedBubble account:

(It's pretty empty now Embarassed but please do check back if you're interested)

Every earning I make through this site (20% for everything other than phone cases and drawstring bags - those are 50%) is going towards this trip. *You can read more about this trip here: http://www.campsinternational.com/school-expeditions/borneo-scuba

This trip isn't just for my own pleasure, as you can see on this website. It's to help many in need. In Borneo, the amount of children that go to secondary education is only 30%! If I can help some ofthem in the month I'm there, I'm sure I can raise that amount! I'll be saving the local sea turtles by cleaning out the surrounding ocean.

I'd really appreciate any sales I can make because I would really love this experience and I love helping others, thank you! Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Re: Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by coolcandy3001 Sun 04 Oct 2015, 01:48

I got so excited with this I forgot to get permission from mods/admins sorry guys Embarassed 
please remove this thread of you prefer it to not be up ; - ;
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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Re: Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 04 Oct 2015, 04:37

coolcandy3001 wrote:Now, this trip isn't cheap... infact, it's £4,170 (approx 6329 USD, 5646 EURO) which is... a lot Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Icon_redface 

I got so excited with this I forgot to get permission from mods/admins sorry guys Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Icon_redface 

As far as I'm concerned, the thread can stay; no problem with that. Smile  However, a few things come to my mind about all that.

-) I'm guessing that some spokesperson of that "Camp International" came to your school, and held a 60- or so minute presentation. That alone suggests that the organization seems to be very influential; are you getting presentations for similar working holidays, by other (lesser-known) organizations too ? I guess not. And this here from the link you posted:

Camp International wrote:Volunteers looking to enter UK universities have the opportunity to gain 70 UCAS points on completion of the expedition

Is a very strong sign of the influence. Not sure how much "70 UCAS points" are (assuming this is something similar to the ECTS-system that I myself am familiar with, from back then). While I do think that these trips can offer a great experience, I don't really see from an academic perspective how this is going to be valuable. Maybe for certain study programs, like geography, international studies, and things like that. But otherwise ?

-) Moreover, I'm guessing the spokesperson mainly spoke about "how great of an experience this is" and the "official price". Of course: that's what the average teenager will want to hear about in the first place. But what about all the little details ? Does the price you mentioned include accomodation, food/drink, visa, local taxes, and other necessities (clothing, toiletry, etc.) ? And what about health insurance, in case something bad happens over there ? Make sure to do enough research beforehand. Speak to other people who went on these trips before and get honest feedback. Although on the site it says "All-inclusive expedition" I would still gather more feedback and information on this.

-) In general you will need a ton of money. Are you absolutely sure you want to keep up with fundraising for that ? Not sure how much (or if at all) your parents/relatives can or want to contribute, but it can take a lot of work getting together this sum of money. Also consider the question up to which point you are able to actually cancel the trip, should you change your mind about all this, for some reason. And preferably without losing (too much) money.

-) From a personal perspective, I'd be interested in how much profit this organization makes in all that. Over 4,000 UK pounds for a working holiday ? I find it very hard to believe that even half of this money will go to the people who really need it. Of course, I have no means to prove any of my suspicions. But at that point, you might want to consider (cheaper) alternatives from lesser-known organizations too. I can't give any specific advice beyond that, but I'm sure you could find something via googling. If you say you just want to do it for the "once-in-a-lifetime experience" and not (just) for the UCAS credits or because it looks good on the resume/CV, then I am sure there are equal and cheaper alternatives too. But again, I can't really give more specific advice on this.

Back then I myself had the priviledge of staying in South-East Asia (these were essentially private trips), where I saw the poverty, lack of hygiene, proper medication, food and many other negative things first hand. But the people were golden, much more than the average European will ever be (lol). You can experience these things too, without having to pay tons of money, but I get that not everybody will have the proper opportunity to do so.

I certainly don't want to discourage you from anything, if you really want to go there. Just keep in mind that reality will involve a lot more than the superficial "bling" of a 60-minute presentation at school. Whatever your decision will be, do what you really want and can do. Good luck !
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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Re: Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by coolcandy3001 Sun 04 Oct 2015, 13:35

The organization makes 2.5% of the full price which covers insurance, accomidation, food and drink, travel (we're going to several places), a PADI open water diver course (Meaning I can scuba dive everywhere as long as I have a friend). The price also covers health insurnace and tax.

We've had a massive presentation with our parents too - so I'm not making all the decisions myself Smile

All in all, I am not looking at this trip from an academic perspective, the academic parts of it are just cherries on a cake - I've always loved adventuring/exploring and I have always wanted to help out the less fortunate in some way.

*And the UCAS points are basically points that'll help me get into a good University, the more points = the more chance of getting in.
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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Re: Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by Admin Sun 04 Oct 2015, 14:00

Hi there,

Sounds like fun!
Is there any way we can see how much you already made so far (like with things like Kickstarter)? And what about donating without actually buying stuff?
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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Re: Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by coolcandy3001 Sun 04 Oct 2015, 15:35

I don't know how to start up one of those and don't the rules of kickstarter state that the people who donate have to get something out of it?

Also, I'll be keeping everyone updated on my RB anyway, to say how I am to my goal c: (Even when it comes to fundraisers outside of RB)
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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Re: Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by coolcandy3001 Wed 07 Oct 2015, 21:13

i cancelled the trip, luckily havent paid anything yet...

my nana is very sick and yet she has no.... 'date' if you know what  i mean... and if... she died whilst i was on this trip it'd kill me.
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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Re: Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by Admin Fri 09 Oct 2015, 22:23

Really sorry to hear that, Sadcandy. Sad
Maybe you were not "meant" to go, if you know what I mean.

I hope she gets well soon.
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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Re: Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by coolcandy3001 Sat 10 Oct 2015, 17:36

thanks admin... but today at 3:25,,, she passed away
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Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :) Empty Re: Redbubble: If you buy my things, you're helping many people out :)

Post by Admin Sun 18 Oct 2015, 20:09

coolcandy3001 wrote:thanks admin... but today at 3:25,,, she passed away
Ah, that saddens me. Condolences to you and your family.
At least she's freed from her sufferings now, I'm sure she's in a better place. Sad
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