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Updating The Sims 4.

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Updating The Sims 4. Empty Updating The Sims 4.

Post by Guest Sun 29 Nov 2015, 23:45

Hi, i dunno if this is the right place to post it, but it has been a year since i last played the sims 4 (November 14, 2014) and I know that there have been updates, but are they included with the ultimate patch?

Thanks again


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Updating The Sims 4. Empty Re: Updating The Sims 4.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 08 Dec 2015, 14:42

Michelle801 wrote:Hi, i dunno if this is the right place to post it, but it has been a year since i last played the sims 4 (November 14, 2014) and I know that there have been updates, but are they included with the ultimate patch?

Thanks again


I'll assume you got your base game of Sims 4 from Games4theworld ? If so, you can get the "Get to Work"-expansion from the following site:

And the Ultimate fix is available here:

Install Get to Work first, followed by the Ultimate fix. Always follow the included instructions, in those downloads. Good luck !
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