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Sims 3 Pets - Trait Problem?! [SOLVED]

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Sims 3 Pets - Trait Problem?! [SOLVED] Empty Sims 3 Pets - Trait Problem?! [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 19 Oct 2011, 13:53

I downloaded and installed games4theworld's the Sims 3 Pets torrent, and later added the fix.
So, I went straight to 'Create a Household' trying to create a pet, but it didn't work, since it couldn't show ANY traits for pets! So I couldn't create a pet Sad
Everything else is working perfectly.
Is it because I installed it incorrectly? Or maybe because of mods (I haven't installed Awesomemod.)? Anyone else having this problem?
By the way, sorry if I posted it in the wrong section, I'm new here :newfag:

EDIT: Sorry for the fuss, problem solved! It was because of a mod!

Admin edit: Problem solved, topic closed. Have fun playing!



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