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Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Sat 11 Mar 2017, 22:14

So i did download the sims 4 before and I had everything but then i had to restart my laptop. I did download my sims 4 folder where it had all the setup requirements but I think i did something with the SETUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 folders and now when I try to setup my sims 4 setup, it says that i need the setup 1. I don't want to download the sims 4 again so could anyone send it or if there is any solution?

Pls help asap



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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 12 Mar 2017, 03:05

PandaKitty010 wrote:So i did download the sims 4 before and I had everything but then i had to restart my laptop. I did download my sims 4 folder where it had all the setup requirements but I think i did something with the SETUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 folders and now when I try to setup my sims 4 setup, it says that i need the setup 1. I don't want to download the sims 4 again so could anyone send it or if there is any solution?

Pls help asap


Hello @Pandakitty010,

Keep in mind we generally do not "re-upload" components of torrent releases, because you never know what EXACTLY is the issue. It could be that if I upload that file, you get an error saying you will need setup 2 as well. Or setup 3. In my experience, it's almost always a waste of time - for everybody.

Do you still have the original .rar file of the download? If so, why not re-extract from the .rar?
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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Sun 12 Mar 2017, 03:11

Dude i had to restart my leaptop so everything including the rar. file is gone and i have the setup on usb with the language changer and installation guide but i forgot put the SETUP 1 2 3 4 5 6. So can you tell me way i can download the setup folders or do i have to download the sims 4 again?



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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 12 Mar 2017, 03:15

PandaKitty010 wrote:Dude i had to restart my leaptop 

"Restart the laptop" means something different for me, but I get what you want to say (you probably had to re-install Windows). 

It's NOT enough to just copy the setup.exe file. You always need to backup the entire .rar file somewhere. I'm sorry, you will have to re-download the torrent again.
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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Sun 12 Mar 2017, 03:17



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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 12 Mar 2017, 03:19



Sorry again I can't provide a more comfortable solution. Do you have a friend or relative (with a faster internet), who you could ask to download it for you?
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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Sun 12 Mar 2017, 03:20

Wait can you send the rar. file plssss


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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 12 Mar 2017, 03:54

PandaKitty010 wrote:Wait can you send the rar. file plssss

In general we DON'T upload torrents on direct-download sites either (because if we post the links in public here, someone will "report" it).

Why is torrenting not fast enough for you? There are enough seeders for all Sims-torrents, and there won't be a difference between direct-download sites and torrents. Besides, there are not many filehosting services that would allow such files anyhow. MEGA for example, has a filesize limit on its free account of 5GB only. MediaFire's storage capacity is only 10GB on free accounts, so I would have to create a new account just for that. And I'm not sure if MediaFire allows big files either for upload/download.

Sorry, but overall it wouldn't help you either. If torrenting is slow for you, then direct downloads will be slow as well.
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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Sun 12 Mar 2017, 05:02

My Utorrent is such a headache, very fricking time it cuts to the blue screen of death but internet problems are not a fuss.


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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 12 Mar 2017, 08:19

PandaKitty010 wrote:My Utorrent is such a headache, very fricking time it cuts to the blue screen of death but internet problems are not a fuss.

If you get blue screens, then that could be a sign of some bigger damage. Does that only happen when you use µTorrent? And after the bluescreen, when you re-start the computer, do you get an error window with codes in it...?

Edit: if the window contains a line of code named BCCode, what is the number and/or letter next to it? It could give an indicator as to why you are getting the bluescreen in the first place...
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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Sun 12 Mar 2017, 10:04

It says "Page_In_Fault_Area"


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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 12 Mar 2017, 10:18

PandaKitty010 wrote:It says "Page_In_Fault_Area"

How are you connected to the internet? Through wireless or an Ethernet cable (wired)? Or both at the same time? If you have both connections active, can you try turning off one of them...?

And again, when exactly does the bluescreen happen? Only when you use µTorrent?
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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Sun 12 Mar 2017, 10:54

Wireless and i leave the torrent to download then after 4 minutes, the blue screen of death happens.


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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 12 Mar 2017, 11:00

PandaKitty010 wrote:Wireless and i leave the torrent to download then after 4 minutes, the blue screen of death happens.

At that point, it could be many things. For now, google "IOBit Driver Booster" and download/install it. Then run the program and see if it finds any updates. If so, install all updates and re-boot the computer. While we're at it, when did this bluescreen started happening? Did you do anything "special" on your computer, shortly before these bluescreens started showing up? Like, did you install any other driver updates, etc.?
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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Sun 12 Mar 2017, 11:40

Not that i remember, no but i will do that



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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Sun 12 Mar 2017, 21:36

I downloaded the driver booster thing and it scanned everything and nothing bad popped up like do i have to something different or what?


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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Thu 16 Mar 2017, 07:27

A Page Fault is generally an indication that you have bad RAM. If it's built into the motherboard of your laptop, then you've got a real problem. Sometimes simply reseating the RAM modules can clear a page fault. But there is a chance that the page fault is being caused by the MMU (memory management unit). If the latter is the case, say bye bye to the laptop.


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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 16 Mar 2017, 07:51

I forgot to get back to the thread, sorry. @Pandakitty010, when the blue screen shows up, there is a line toward the bottom that starts with "STOP" and then follows a code. Does Windows 10 still have this type of information on the blue screen (I'm not entirely familiar yet with Windows 10) ? If you don't get this information, it'll probably still be in those minidumps, kind of like log files, that Windows creates, but I won't go into that.

Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? X5bsod.png.pagespeed.gp+jp+jw+pj+ws+js+rj+rp+rw+ri+cp+md.ic.vYS2_0xBFt

In the example screenshot, the code following the "STOP" ends with e2. In your case, it might be different. Do you think you could memorize whatever code-ending you have, on your own computer? It can often already give an indication about what could be wrong. Smile  I did hint at that already above, but maybe I wasn't too specific, or I was thinking along Windows 7-lines, etc.

Either way, there might indeed be something horribly wrong with the hardware of your computer, and if you can you should let it checked through by a professional, or someone with the needed knowledge to give you further instructions.

Edit: or does your bluescreen look like this, just with the "page in fault"-message?

Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? BSoD_in_Windows_8_thumb800
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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Thu 16 Mar 2017, 10:12



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Can someone send the Setup 1  because i dont have mine? Empty Re: Can someone send the Setup 1 because i dont have mine?

Post by Guest Thu 16 Mar 2017, 11:27

Looks like a RAM-problem

Keep Windowskey pressed + R
type mdsched.exe in the window and click on OK
Follow the instructions on the screen.


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