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Beware the celtic teapot!

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Beware the celtic teapot! Empty Beware the celtic teapot!

Post by Guest Mon 03 Apr 2017, 21:33

Hello guys!

Well, I decided to come have a look. And oh, my, do we have a lot of unanswered posts! Why.
Going through them, might not be able to do the whole 9 pages tonight though...

What happened to staff? What's going on?
Also, what's that demon thing on FB? Carlos having fun?

I'll try to be back more often. But it shouldn't be a mod's role to answer all those posts... I ask again, where is our staff?

(please do not take any of this offensively, just very innocent questions on my end ^^)


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Beware the celtic teapot! Empty Re: Beware the celtic teapot!

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 05 Apr 2017, 21:20

Good to see you Shamrock!

I myself am pretty much back these days, although I've had a very busy month and just didn't have much energy. Usually there's not quite that much going on that needs attention.

I would be very glad to see you back here more often, just answer what you like.

Feel free to add me on Steam (if you have it), my userID is http://steamcommunity.com/id/edineld/
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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