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Info about downtimes on G4TW sites.

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Info about downtimes on G4TW sites. Empty Info about downtimes on G4TW sites.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 08 Sep 2017, 22:30

Hello all,

Time and time again it happens: cables need to be fixed, hard-drives need to be changed or there are other higher powers involved in making things less pleasant for us. No, not talking about bad tech support on certain companies, but rather the external G4TW main website here:

When these things happen, magic needs to get involved. Lots of magic. And almost always the magic succeeds.  Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

We've been noticing that users in case of downtimes are quick to wonder and ask about the reasons. Now, while I myself can't tell or give you any details, here is only so much: downtimes on the main website, the Minecraft-server or even the Forum, tend to be rather short. We will therefore choose to announce downtimes at our own discretion from now on.

Mostly it is pointless to make these announcements either on the Forum and/or on the G4TW Facebook Page if the downtimes don't last that long. If you experience such a downtime, try waiting it out. Mostly the site(s) will be back online in just a couple of hours. In the meantime, if you needed to grab the downloads feel free to check out G4TW's ThePirateBay-account. Any more information and further links will be given out at our discretion.

Thanks for your understanding and have fun again!  clown
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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