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Pirated game vs real.

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Pirated game vs real. Empty Pirated game vs real.

Post by Guest Fri 06 Oct 2017, 22:49

So I have a question, if I were to make houses/sims and put them up for download, would this cause issues for people with legal copies of sims 4?
I know it works fine for us the other way around but idk anything bout pirated to legal.


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Pirated game vs real. Empty Re: Pirated game vs real.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 07 Oct 2017, 13:23

cows5evah wrote:So I have a question, if I were to make houses/sims and put them up for download, would this cause issues for people with legal copies of sims 4?
I know it works fine for us the other way around but idk anything bout pirated to legal.



I moved your post to the right section. Smile  Creations from pirated games "imported" into legit games should be no issue. The other way round could be problematic, especially if the legit game is on a higher patch version, and you create stuff on there.
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