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Can you recommend me some games?

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Can you recommend me some games? Empty Can you recommend me some games?

Post by Guest Sun 13 Jan 2019, 07:01

I must say that lately I've been falling in love with some titles such as Life is Strange, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Dragon Age.
I was wondering if you know of other games with similar features, which are:
* Playing as a GIRL. Come on, I'm a girl and I want to play as one xD [Life is Strange]&[DAO]
* Puzzle solving, because I love puzzles, as nerd as I can be [Life is strange]&[Ori and the Blind Forest]
* Companions, because I love playing with companions. [Life is strange]&[DAO]
* Of course Romance [DAO] & you can consider [Life is Strange] has a little romantic enviroment.
* Exploration [Ori and the Blind Forest]&[DAO]
* Old games but not retro (2000-2015 is ok). My computers is old, but I want good graphics and soundtracks. [DAO]&[Ori and the Blind Forest]
* Powers! [Life is strange]&[Ori and the Blind Forest]
* Funny moments, who doesn't want to laugh a bit? [DAO]
* Character customization! [DAO]
I really loved Dragon Age, I hope you can help me finding games similar like these! I think I'm going to try Skyrim meawhile Very Happy
PD: I tried Mass Effect since I read there was some romance.

Last edited by Alany_Mogad on Sun 13 Jan 2019, 07:11; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Mass Effect)


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Can you recommend me some games? Empty Re: Can you recommend me some games?

Post by Guest Sun 13 Jan 2019, 13:03

Not sure if these will fit but are free right now so check those out:

I really liked Seasons After Fall and Epistory.
Uh, well LEGO games have character customization, you can play as a girl, some characters have powers, you have companions, there are puzzles... :'D


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Can you recommend me some games? Empty Re: Can you recommend me some games?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 13 Jan 2019, 22:16

Alany_Mogad wrote:* Playing as a GIRL. Come on, I'm a girl and I want to play as one xD [Life is Strange]&[DAO]
* Puzzle solving, because I love puzzles, as nerd as I can be [Life is strange]&[Ori and the Blind Forest]
* Companions, because I love playing with companions. [Life is strange]&[DAO]
* Of course Romance [DAO] & you can consider [Life is Strange] has a little romantic enviroment.
* Exploration [Ori and the Blind Forest]&[DAO]
* Old games but not retro (2000-2015 is ok). My computers is old, but I want good graphics and soundtracks. [DAO]&[Ori and the Blind Forest]
* Powers! [Life is strange]&[Ori and the Blind Forest]
* Funny moments, who doesn't want to laugh a bit? [DAO]
* Character customization! [DAO]
I really loved Dragon Age, I hope you can help me finding games similar like these! I think I'm going to try Skyrim meawhile Very Happy
PD: I tried Mass Effect since I read there was some romance.

I recall Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV also has a character customization; not as elaborate as with The Sims, but still. Especially IV is all about these superhuman powers (ice/fire blasts, telekinesis, superjumps, superstamina, etc.). If you buy them on Steam, you can play them with one real-life companion through co-op. Plus you have the ability to summon a variety of AI-controlled friends. The games are humorous, to the extent it's almost becoming ridiculous. There is also the aspect of open-world exploration (Steelport). Mini-games/mini-puzzles sometimes present in side-quests.

Similar to Grand Theft Auto games, you have a built-in soundtrack based on real-life music. In IV, you can even turn it on while you are on foot, so you don't necessarily have to ride around in a vehicle to listen to the music.

All in all I think these games are gender-neutral; so not specifically "for girls", but fun nonetheless.

Yess, aye lieeke!
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Can you recommend me some games? Empty The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Post by Guest Fri 01 Feb 2019, 19:06

Hello again! I went on holidays so I just decided not to try Skyrim which I didn't have time to download it, but to try Oblivion (The elder scrolls IV... etc.) and IT WAS GREAT!!!! I found out about them on a list with Mass Effect, Fallout and others. I'll give a bit of feedback on the items I listed before (you can read it somewhere else with better wording):

  1. Character customization/playing as a girl: Yes, it's quite complex and the sliders depend on other sliders, it's not like The Sims, it's really more compicated. But you can choose your gender, your race and then you start creating the character as you want. I didn't expect to find the furries are along the place LOL
  2. Dialogues & Story & Branch choices: Not really brilliant, the dialogues are quite simple, nothing like Dragon Age. Sometimes you can choose whether you want to help a character or simply kill everyone for the sake of killing and stealing. You can play as a good or bad character though. It's much like Roleplaying, but at the end you always get the same ending. The characters looked awful, every of them, I won't lie. But the dialogues really helped because you felt you belonged in that place, and it was really sad when a quest asked you to killl someone you knew well. I **** hated that everytime you talked to a character the game zoomed on their faced, like OMG YOU ARE UGLY, STOP DOING THAT. It was quite annoying.
  3. Puzzles solving: You can pickpocket, Stealth and lockpick which are like mini-games! Also Speechcraft is a mini-game too. The merchantile skill was a real challenge for me. After lockpicking 200 times you get bored and start using spells (Alohomora, joke).
  4. Exploration: The day-night system really struck me, I never saw something like that (apart from The Sims Razz) and I thought I'd have a limited time to save the day. But there are total freedom of what to do and what not to do (except the main quest IF you want to finish the game, of course). You can go to any city it doesn't really matter because all enemies are lvl up with you. You can ride horses, swim, diver or even walk on water with the proper skills/spells!! You can buy a house in each city. I couldn't believe you could steal even forks and knife in EVERY **** HOUSE, and you wouldnt die of lag. The only limitation is that you can carry only a limited number of objects due to your strenght (the stronger the better). Not as wide as minecraft, the map has its own limits (a.k.a. "You can't go over here, go back!"). It's not a desert, every path you go you can find a ruin or some place to explore. Quests open the posibility for more exploration. It took me a whole month (well, 15 days) to finish everything speedrunning because my holidays were over. I believe it's longer than Dragon Age o_o

  5. Nice graphics and soundtracks, but not laggy: Even my sister told me the game looked really nice and could be played quite fast. I've waited on Loading Screens for, like, 5 seconds or less after entering a house or castle (15 seconds after saving 329 times lol). The scenery was outstanding, the music was not really my taste.

  6. Companions/Romance: Nothing over here. There were temporary companions for only a few quests. They would easily die and you had to babysit them. I wouldn't want them to die of course. You can leave the quest unfinished and get a free companion I suppose (maybe that'd help when you are lvl 1).

  7. Powers! Yes, powers! Early in the game, you have to choose whether you wanted to be a Mage, a Warrior or a Rogue. It didn't really matter because you can choose to become a Magic Warrior Rogue hybrid using a party dress xD. Besides Blade, Shield, Hand-to-Hand and Maze skills, you could lvl up Magic and get better spells. YOU CAN EVEN CREATE YOUR OWN SPELLS. They cost mana so you had to choose wisely how many spells casted at the time and for how long (Night vision, Detecting life, Light, Shadow, Chamaleon, Summoning, Fortifying Speed and other abilities, Freezing, Paralyzing and Burning enemies, or Healing yourself or allies for x seconds). Lots of choices, and you could name the spells as well, something like "The Shadow of the Gray Fox", "Slaughterhouse", "Oblivion Blessing", "insert funny name" whatever you like.

  8. Funny moments: Not really, it was quite serious and you had to roleplay a lot. The most hilarious part were the bugs. When one important character died, the family asked me to leave and I stole the body's clothes and slept on the bed with the lyying corpse, it was SO WTF. You could also hit someone, pay the fine, and after that the character would be hostile to me, so running through the city or near a guard would STRT A FIGHT BETWEEN NPCs!!!!! It happened between a mage guard and a mage appretince. Everyone started killing the guards ahhahahahaha. You could also hit your summoned creature and hide behind a NPC to start the fight, easy way for killing strong NPCs. AH, you could also hit the king while giving a speech nad he would start running while talking LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! After his speech they are programmed to go to battle so no harm done... If the king hits you after giving his speech, THE OtHER ALLIES WILL ATTACK THE KING, I had to load a previous save but it was so randomm it was really worth it hahahahha.

I never really needed a blade or shield or armor. Just hiding, using chameleon effects and letting every companion die for fighting like an idiot would be enough. But then I found strong spells and started killing everything in sight.

I really had fun, I'm willing to play Skyrim but that would be next year if it's gonna be that long lol.

Thank you for the recommendations, I'll give them a try during the year! =D

Last edited by Alany_Mogad on Fri 01 Feb 2019, 19:10; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Other games)


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