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Problem installing The Sims 4 Basegame

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Problem installing The Sims 4 Basegame Empty Problem installing The Sims 4 Basegame

Post by Guest Thu 18 Jul 2019, 19:50

Hi there!
So I have a little problem installing the basegame.
After torrent has finished and I open the folder, unzip, and try to install I get the following error twice:

"12002 http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/C/3/BC31082E-81B1-48D5-AA89-96DD2B853126/vcredist_x64.exe"
Problem installing The Sims 4 Basegame Error_10

If I proceed with the instalation I get an error that "visual c++ redistributable for visual studio 2013 x64 was not installed correctly". After this I stop the installation and I just exit. 

I went to microsoft's site and downloaded the program, but when I tried to run it it said that this version of the program doesn't run on my computer.
What should I do? I have no idea what version I need. This is an old pc, it was recently in service because of it's battery and it was rebooted, because I had issues with it. A professional did it, so I suppose everything should be alright?
I never had this issue. I installed the same TS4 basegame (from this site) on my second PC and it worked, and the site's TS4 was working on this PC for years before this.

Although I believe on this PC I had a "Sims 4 City Living" repack, it's possible that it was from a different site before I found Games4theworld, and then I applied the packs on top... I can't remember that, but I do know the folder was always "The Sims 4 City Living" instead of "The Sims 4".

What should I do?
A big thanks in advance to anyone who can help me..!


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Problem installing The Sims 4 Basegame Empty Re: Problem installing The Sims 4 Basegame

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 18 Jul 2019, 20:17


Try running the items from the download that I packed here (use 7-zip to extract):


Go inside each folder and under the "redist" subfolders. Run the .exe files (all that you can find), and see if you are able to install them. These are the same items that are found under the __Installer subfolder, once the game has been installed.

Good luck for now!
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