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Welcome, writers! [UPDATED ON 06-12-2019]

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Welcome, writers! [UPDATED ON 06-12-2019] Empty Welcome, writers! [UPDATED ON 06-12-2019]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 09 Oct 2019, 20:59

Just a short introduction to this new section; you can use this subsection here for working on new (written) tutorials or guides. These guides traditionally are among the cornerstones of our work; many followers and visitors actively read up on these things. And of course their expectation is that the information is accurate, or at least accurate as per the moment they were written.

So we tend to ask users willing to post prospective guides in a place, where we can pre-approve them. And once that is done, the Moderators will then move these guides to an appropriate tutorials-board. That can be "Fixes", "Tips & Tricks", "The Sims 3 Exchange", "The Sims 4 Creativity Zone", "General Game / Software Tutorials", or "Mac OS Tutorials".

Yes, indeed: normal users cannot open tutorial-topics themselves there, and what's more, we have also disabled comments under these sections, except for those Sims-creativity sections.

The reasoning should be clear enough: imagine some hostile fool deliberately writing false information under one of our official tutorial-boards. As for commenting under those tutorials, people can or should use the sections that are designated as being for "Support".

Once we have pre-approved your guide and moved it, you can then edit your thread. This can be useful, for example, if someone wants to keep a guide updated over a longer period of time.

I would have wished that topics opened here, were only visible to the individual author, and nobody else. But since that is not possible on this Forum software here...you'll just have to keep in mind that everybody can read your work-in-progress, and roll with it.

This topic is mainly intended for regular users (orange username color). Mods & SuperMods are excluded from this dance...you can open topics almost everywhere, anyhow. Developers are partially excluded: with this topic, the status quo basically remains for you. For further questions or concerns please get in touch with me using the appropriate channels.

So there you go. Here is your workbench. Good luck, and happy writing!


P.S. there is no 'penalty' if you write your guides in another section first (a.k.a. and not use this section here). For example, if you want to submit a guide about The Sims 4, by all means you can also use "The Sims 4 Support". Just bear in mind that - as hinted earlier - we have restrictions in place regarding permissions. So, after you click on the button "Send", when writing a post, you cannot edit the guide after that.

Here, you can edit your posts, so that you can work on something over time. Some people might view this as a cosmetic difference only, but yes. Use whatever you feel most comfortable with, I suppose.


Update on December 6th 2019.

So, I wanted to clarify one more thing. Yes, if your tutorial contains one or more download link(s), or it otherwise references some random external platform, then we reserve the right to run your links through our link shortener / advertising agency. You might say now something such as: "this is unfair, you cannot benefit from my work!11111", and that is your prerogative. Such as is the prerogative of a former guest contributor on here.

Welcome, writers! [UPDATED ON 06-12-2019] MUI3jeX

Then again, nobody is forced to use G4TW as a platform for clout chasing, a.k.a. advertising your own agendas. We never ever ask for "help" from unrelated external sources, specifically because in our experience most random users who decide to start helping out here have an agenda of their own, that at some point creates a conflict of interest with the aims of our own G4TW platform here. In the end, when people come here, it is THEIR decision to do so. Nobody else can take that decision from them. Moreover it is also THEIR decision to either roll with our policies on G4TW, or just do THEIR clout chasing elsewhere.

It is part of our policy, however, that we offer a cut in the Forum's ad revenue, to certain long-term G4TW guest contributors. Maybe in the future we will also allow guest contributors to put a link in their Forum signature for Paypal/cryptocurrency/etc. donations. But if none of that is enough, then just go elsewhere and quit wasting our (and your!) time.


Last edited by K.A.R.R. on Sat 18 Jul 2020, 17:23; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Added disclaimer about monetization, to clarify our position towards new writers/users.)
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

Windows version :
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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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Join date : 2012-11-02
Location : Liechtenstein / Switzerland / Austria

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