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Sims 2 Origin Ultimate Collection - red and white textures.

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Sims 2 Origin Ultimate Collection - red and white textures. Empty Sims 2 Origin Ultimate Collection - red and white textures.

Post by Guest Fri 03 Jan 2020, 09:43

Have downloaded the origin sims 2 ultimate collection and all seems well until I load up a family and literally all their furniture is white with black and blue code all over it. Have searched for a solution for hours and have not moved an inch towards progress.

Running on windows 7

Is there a fix for this or is the download just broken now?

Thanks for your time x


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Sims 2 Origin Ultimate Collection - red and white textures. Empty Re: Sims 2 Origin Ultimate Collection - red and white textures.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 04 Jan 2020, 04:46

elfeenaurora wrote:Have downloaded the origin sims 2 ultimate collection and all seems well until I load up a family and literally all their furniture is white with black and blue code all over it. Have searched for a solution for hours and have not moved an inch towards progress.

Running on windows 7

Is there a fix for this or is the download just broken now?

Thanks for your time x

Welcome to the G4TW Forums @elfeenaurora,

Sorry for the slightly belated reply, I did not know what to say initially, because that is a rather unknown issue in TS2. I can give you this however. If you still have the torrent running as "seeding" in your torrent client, then look for an option named "Force Re-Check". Let it re-check, wait until 100%, and when the client says "seeding" again, then re-extract with WinRAR and try again.

By the way, you shouldn't need to re-run the "silent installer" again in that case, so just try re-starting the game.

If you still end up with the same textures, then try re-downloading the torrent using torrent clients such as qBittorrent, Tixati, Deluge or Transmission, in the year 2020 and beyond. If you use uTorrent or Vuze, scratch them.

With that out of the way, if all else fails, I shall forward you a direct download link through e-mail, but only if the latter doesn't work either. Good luck for now! & Topic title slightly improved.

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