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Annoyment. Empty Annoyment.

Post by Guest Tue 14 Apr 2020, 15:25

This is a little rant about sims 4 glitches i come across  IAmSoHappyEmergahwd IAmSoHappyEmergahwd

Why is it that if sims live in a big mansion they have to go down to the basement to prepare food for cooking. and when they do the washing up they go to the bathroom?? 
and lets not forget the cooking itself.. especially if your sims is att level 10 cooking..granted that special installment is not a glitch ..COME ON EA WHO cooks like that ir and not having to clean the kitchen ceiling walls and floors afterwards both from the food itself and the oil and seasoning they throw about willy nilly even children complains about that because its fun the first couple of times..later not so much. AND who starts singing out in the middle on the town square Facepalm EA i know you intend for children to have fun but come on even the children complains about these..
Suggestion for ts5 do not have as crappy ai as you have in ts4. rant done Shocked


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Annoyment. Empty Re: Annoyment.

Post by Freezer Bunny Wed 15 Apr 2020, 22:17

SimNord wrote:This is a little rant about sims 4 glitches i come across  IAmSoHappyEmergahwd IAmSoHappyEmergahwd

Why is it that if sims live in a big mansion they have to go down to the basement to prepare food for cooking. and when they do the washing up they go to the bathroom?? 
and lets not forget the cooking itself.. especially if your sims is att level 10 cooking..granted that special installment is not a glitch ..COME ON EA WHO cooks like that ir and not having to clean the kitchen ceiling walls and floors afterwards both from the food itself and the oil and seasoning they throw about willy nilly even children complains about that because its fun the first couple of times..later not so much. AND who starts singing out in the middle on the town square Facepalm EA i know you intend for children to have fun but come on even the children complains about these..
Suggestion for ts5 do not have as crappy ai as you have in ts4. rant done Shocked

I think part of the issue here is, there are so many permutations & possibilities in-game, that I'm thinking maybe not every programming decision in the game is a deliberate choice. So maybe it's more like an automated process, to an extent?
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Annoyment. Empty Re: Annoyment.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 16 Apr 2020, 00:41


Freezer Bunny wrote:I think part of the issue here is, there are so many permutations & possibilities in-game, that I'm thinking maybe not every programming decision in the game is a deliberate choice.

You mean like "checkboxes" that are marked regarding certain in-game mechanics, and if it something's not marked, it will be left up to chance what happens in-game?

SimNord wrote:Suggestion for ts5 do not have as crappy ai as you have in ts4. rant done Shocked

Plot twist: TS5 has a chance to be online-only, that means you'll mostly play online with other human players, and not with NPC-Sims. danger! beware!!
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Annoyment. Empty Re: Annoyment.

Post by Sim Architect Thu 16 Apr 2020, 01:54

I don't understand. Do you have to clean your kitchen walls and ceiling each time after cooking?? How come?

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Annoyment. Empty Re: Annoyment.

Post by Guest Thu 16 Apr 2020, 15:17

Sim Architect wrote:I don't understand. Do you have to clean your kitchen walls and ceiling each time after cooking?? How come?

 if i were cooking like a 10 level cookinn Sim then yeah i would have to clean the kitchen IAmSoHappyEmergahwd IAmSoHappyEmergahwd seriously look at your highest level cook Sim when tey are at it so you see what  mean......Annd now it dawned on me you were sarcastically asking that Facepalm IAmSoHappyEmergahwd IAmSoHappyEmergahwd IAmSoHappyEmergahwd


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Annoyment. Empty Re: Annoyment.

Post by Unesty Sat 18 Apr 2020, 20:34

I know that animation is so annoying, and they waste so much time doing it. Like if that animation was only added to a chef sim or something that would be acceptable but every sim does it and its annoying as hell. 
Same with the murphy bed opening animation when it fails to open remotely. So annoying. 
One positive thing in sims 4 though, I just recently noticed, if you put a double bed one side next to a wall, if you click on the wall side of the bed and tell a sim to sleep they can scoot over and that's kinda cool.
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Annoyment. Empty Re: Annoyment.

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