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Files in Sims 2 origin ultimate collection

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Files in Sims 2 origin ultimate collection Empty Files in Sims 2 origin ultimate collection

Post by Guest Wed 25 Mar 2020, 03:39

Hello! There is something I don't understand about the downloading/extracting of the sims 2. I'm sorry if someone already answered a question like this before.
It says in the installation guide that I'm supposed to extract ALL the content in the rar archive file into an empty folder. So my question is; am I supposed to extract everything in the "DirectX9" folder? Because there are many files showing that they can be extracted in that folder, or am I just gonna ignore them? I just want to do everything correct Oh my...


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Files in Sims 2 origin ultimate collection Empty Re: Files in Sims 2 origin ultimate collection

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 25 Mar 2020, 17:00

littlesim wrote:Hello! There is something I don't understand about the downloading/extracting of the sims 2. I'm sorry if someone already answered a question like this before.
It says in the installation guide that I'm supposed to extract ALL the content in the rar archive file into an empty folder. So my question is; am I supposed to extract everything in the "DirectX9" folder? Because there are many files showing that they can be extracted in that folder, or am I just gonna ignore them? I just want to do everything correct Oh my...

Hello and welcome to the G4TW Forums @littlesim,

You just "transfer" everything that you see in the WinRAR program window, outside into an empty folder. When working with these archive files, try getting used to just marking the items inside the archive file with your mouse, until everything is marked with the blue tint.

Then you simply drag and drop out the blue-tinted items, into an empty folder, and take it from there. You don't need to 'handle' the DirectX-folder in any particular way.

The folder "The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection", in addition, should be moved under C:\Program Files, but for more details, please take it from the included Installation Guide.txt. Good luck for now!

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Files in Sims 2 origin ultimate collection Empty Re: Files in Sims 2 origin ultimate collection

Post by Guest Thu 26 Mar 2020, 15:56

Thank you!


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Files in Sims 2 origin ultimate collection Empty Re: Files in Sims 2 origin ultimate collection

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