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game not up to date

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game not up to date Empty game not up to date

Post by Guest Thu 16 Feb 2012, 23:14

hello I hope you can help me why is it that 2 or 3 of the store files down loaded but did not install because it said the game was not up to date but my game is up to date here is what my game says base 1.29.55 world adventures 2.17.20 high end loft 3.13.1 ambitions 4.10.1 fast lane 5.8.1 late night 6.5.1 outdoor living 7.3.2 generations 8.0.152 town life 9.073 pets 10.0.96 master suite 11.0.84 and when I close out to the launcher it says need to up date I click yes but I don't see the up date numbers change by the games icon so can you tell me if maybe there is something going on I don't know what to do I have uninstalled my game at least 6 times since I've had it until your site showed me that i could remove some files to desk top and they would reload themselves because I was sure tired of uninstalling it thank you very muchgame not up to date 2830496658


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game not up to date Empty Re: game not up to date

Post by Admin Fri 17 Feb 2012, 21:50

G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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game not up to date Empty Re: game not up to date

Post by Guest Mon 27 Feb 2012, 17:50

game not up to date 2830496658 Thanks for the help .This game seems to have more bugs than the woods in my back yard I can load my game and start to play but now my sims get frozen in place while everything keeps moving and I have this before every sims name Gameplay/Excel/Dot03_World/sims it is about to drive me nuts lol


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game not up to date Empty Re: game not up to date

Post by Admin Mon 27 Feb 2012, 17:54


Try this:


First, quit the game and the launcher. Now go into
Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and look for two folders called
DCCache and DCBackup. Delete everything inside of those folders, but do
not delete the folders themselves. If you have an InstalledWorlds
folder, delete the contents of that folder - this will remove any
custom worlds that were installed previously including Hidden Springs.

Run the launcher again and reinstall Hidden Springs but do not
reinstall anything else just yet. Run the game and load your saved game.
If the issue is resolved, add back your other content via the launcher
in small batches at a time and retest your game accordingly."

G4TW RETIRED Adminator
GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder
G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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game not up to date Empty Re: game not up to date

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Tue 28 Feb 2012, 07:53

Are you using a custom world? I've seen this
before every sims name Gameplay/Excel/Dot03_World/sims
in custom worlds before. You can manually fix this by using testingcheatsenabled true, shift-clicking the sim and use edit which will take you to CAS where you can edit just about anything about the sim. It doesn't work on sims that are in work outfits, like the mailman.
The game freezes as you describe them can be caused by bad/incompatible CC. You can start by using Delphy's Dashboard to have a look at any packages you're using. This program will filter out most bad or conflicting mods. Remove all conflicts and try your game.
Store items that don't install are a mystery in itself. Especially since its completely random. I recently found and installed the cowplant and it worked fine for me, but the same cowplant wouldn't install on Admin's game while we're obviously using the exact same version of the base game and all expansions.
One thing is for sure, unmodified encrypted sims3packs like original sims store items will most often fail to install with a note that says something about making sure you have the latest software versions. CC magic will install some of these though. So I'd recommend giving that a go. If some of your items still don't work, let me know.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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game not up to date Empty Re: game not up to date

Post by Guest Tue 28 Feb 2012, 13:08

thank you so much for some reason that I'm not a where of some of my store stuff down loaded as custom content because it has the purple star but thank you I will try the other things you said and let you know what happens oh one thing I thought might have had something to do with all this mess is if some of my games being digital downloads from ea orgin and some coming from disk and some coming from your site that they might not blend to much stuff in one pot as they say:alien: again thank you


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