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Using uTorrent (write to disk error)

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Using uTorrent (write to disk error)  Empty Using uTorrent (write to disk error)

Post by Guest Wed 07 Nov 2012, 18:30

I'm trying to download something for a game and I've been using uTorrent for over a year with no problems. When I went to download it, it would immediately say something along the lines of 'cannot write to disk: access denied' and when I was researching, I found that some people could change the compatibility settings to run for windows xp service pack 3. That didn't work for me. Some said they just updated their version of uTorrent and it worked. Didn't work for me. Some say restarting their computer worked. Not for me. I don't know what else to do. It worries me because there was one person who said uTorrent was denied access and it ended up being something about whatever they downloaded changed some kind of settings and they lost the ownership the computer. My computer also keeps having microsoft essentials popping up on the bottom saying the detected threats where handled. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.. I just hope I haven't ruined this computer. I've only had it for a few months.. scratch


Update: Now it's saying 'System cannot find path specified.'


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Using uTorrent (write to disk error)  Empty Re: Using uTorrent (write to disk error)

Post by t2sink Wed 07 Nov 2012, 21:05

Please edit you post rather then double posting.

If MSE is reporting viruses and such, I think you have more problems then just utorrent not wanting to save stuff.

Can you do a full scan with MSE, and remove all threats?
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Using uTorrent (write to disk error)  Empty Re: Using uTorrent (write to disk error)

Post by Guest Wed 07 Nov 2012, 21:22

A quick was done this morning automatically but I started a full one at 12:41 and its not finished.


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Using uTorrent (write to disk error)  Empty Re: Using uTorrent (write to disk error)

Post by t2sink Wed 07 Nov 2012, 21:27

Yeah, it's normally a few hours, but after it's done, reboot, and check with utorrent again, see if it will download stuff.

Also, it's normally recommended to use a standard user account instead of admin account when using the internet, so it's harder for stuff to get downloaded, just have to type in your admin password whenever you want to install something, which my admin account password is quite short, so it's not too insane to repeat a lot.
Discharged with Honors
G4TW RETIRED Helper / VIP Discharged with Honors

Windows version :
  • Windows 7

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  • 32 bits (x86)

Favourite games : Sims 3, Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, Minecraft, RPG World Online, AoE 2/3, Command And Conquer, SimCity, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, MW2/MW3, Halo Reach, Borderlands, Halo 4


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