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Launcher works, but game does not start

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Launcher works, but game does not start Empty Launcher works, but game does not start

Post by Guest Sat 30 Mar 2013, 01:47

So I installed the base game, Ambitions, Generations, Late Night, and University Life. All from this lovely site. To the best of my knowledge I have followed all the directions perfectly when I installed, such as installing Ambitions before Late Night, and the manual patch and ultimate fix, but I still have a problem. The launcher works perfectly, but if I select play, nothing happens. The curser has that little loading thing going on for a second, but nothing happens. Zip, none, nada. No Nothing shows up on the task manager either. So then I uninstalled everything, then installed it again, making absolutely 100% sure I followed all the directions perfectly. But the game still won't launch, whether I do it from the base game launcher, or actually go into the Bin folder and double click TS3W. Running as administrator does nothing either. I moved the crack in the bin folder on the base game at least a hundred times, but still nothing.
Also, I searched all through this forum to see if anybody had the same problem, did what the replies suggested, but nothing has worked for me. I have spent around 8 hours yesterday and today reinstalling the games, and I never even got to play them. Seems like the only time The Sims will work for me is if I play the base game. confused Everything else is an Launcher works, but game does not start 4049071320 to me.
Right now I just finished updating the manual patch thingy. I am going to download the ultimate fix for the millionth time and see what happens.
Any help would be appreciated! Launcher works, but game does not start 2830496658 I just hope I don't have to do any more installing and reinstalling because I will probably have to pull all my hair out.


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Launcher works, but game does not start Empty Re: Launcher works, but game does not start

Post by J.T. Sat 30 Mar 2013, 06:47

Instead of pressing Play Button to lauch your game. You can search for TS3W.exe in your program file\the sims 3\Game\Bin\. Once you find it, launch it and enjoy your game! Happy simming!
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Launcher works, but game does not start Empty Re: Launcher works, but game does not start

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sun 31 Mar 2013, 13:52


Do you have any mods/cc? If so, try without the mods.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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