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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by Guest Thu 17 Apr 2014, 08:49

So I downloaded sims from the piratebay which included the base game and all expansions up until Showtime.

1. Unzipped the file, and dragged the folder with all the expansions in applications 
2. Patched it with the latest patch
3. And cracked it using the ultimate fix

When I try and start up the game, the screen goes black like it normally should, crashed, and then the exception raised error message comes up. I have tried so many solutions and it isnt working... I downloaded 18gb worth of sims games and I don't want it to go to waste. Could anybody help me? I am willing to do it over teamviewer.

Last edited by Sabrinaaa on Thu 17 Apr 2014, 14:52; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : New problem has arised.)


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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by Guest Thu 17 Apr 2014, 10:29

the blank interfaces are caused by the crack not matching the game version (latest v.1.67.2). but i heard you tried patching your game but didn't work?

make sure you downloaded the correct patch (For mac. not for windows.) 

Latest patch for mac:

Link quoted from:

Last edited by Nappinggnome35 on Thu 17 Apr 2014, 12:27; edited 1 time in total


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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by Guest Thu 17 Apr 2014, 10:51

Yes! That is what I tried to patch it with, it says the patch won't work for the version of the Sims 3 application Sad

Helper Edit: Topic moved to Mac Support. Wink



Sabrinaaa wrote:Yes! That is what I tried to patch it with, it says the patch won't work for the version of the Sims 3 application Sad

Helper Edit: Topic moved to Mac Support. Wink

Ok so I redid everything, patched it first (which seemed to work) and then put the crack in, but now I cant even open the game... it keeps saying "Exception raised: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x1d57d000 at address 0x7c471070.
Do you wish to debug it ?" 
Lord help me. I have no idea anymore!


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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by Guest Thu 17 Apr 2014, 12:28

uh, im not a mac user i don't know much about mac :C sorry


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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by Guest Thu 17 Apr 2014, 12:43

No worries! Thanks though, this is my first mac and I'm finding it so complicated!


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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by J.T. Thu 17 Apr 2014, 12:48


Please wait patiently for a mac helper to help you out, and please, next time, edit your previous post for additional information if no one has replied beneath your post. Thank you for your cooperation! Wink
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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by Dieneryn Thu 17 Apr 2014, 18:32


Could you please provide me with a screenshot of your launcher? Thanks Smile
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
Discharged with Honors

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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by Guest Fri 18 Apr 2014, 03:54

Dieneryn wrote:Hello,

Could you please provide me with a screenshot of your launcher? Thanks Smile
Sure! Here you go: 
Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Screen10


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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by Guest Fri 02 May 2014, 18:55

This is exactly what's happening to me!! Please help!


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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

Post by Dieneryn Sun 04 May 2014, 04:44

Hello there,

I'm sorry for the late response. If you are still having the same issues, you might want to reinstall using files from Games4theworld. That is because I am unable to help you with issues that arises from files that I am not familiar with. I hope you understand. 

I will show you some steps here for installation. Please download the appropriate base game from the PDF file that I have linked below. For the EPs, you may download them from this website.


(Please click HERE for detailed instructions!)

* If you have previously installed The Sims 3 on your mac, please do a FULL and CLEAN uninstall before proceeding.

1) Install your base game.
2) *Update your base game to the latest version via the launcher's Game Updates tab. [Current: V1.63]
3) Unzip original Expansion Pack files with Stuffit Expander(Skip Steps 3 & 4 if you have downloaded your EPs in .iso or .dmg)
4) Create .dmg files of the EPs with Disk Utility.
5) Install EPs in order of release.
6) Apply the LATEST Ultimate Fix for Mac. (Use ONLY the two files in the main #Crack folder!)
7) Enjoy your game!

Again, if you are unsure about one of the steps, please view THIS GUIDE for images and detailed instructions!

* If the update fails via the launcher for some reason, please download the manual patch instead HERE.
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
Discharged with Honors

G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

Favourite games : The Sims Series, Harvest Moon Series, Legend of Zelda, Patapon, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom, Pheonix Wright Series, Mario, and several other MMORPGs


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Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC) Empty Re: Exception Raised error on startup. (MAC)

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