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Showtime loads but can not use items etc. [SOLVED]

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Showtime loads but can not use items etc. [SOLVED] Empty Showtime loads but can not use items etc. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 16 Jun 2014, 22:59

Hello everyone,

I have Showtime installed along with a few other expansions and stuff packs. It was working however now I can not buy items from that pack. If I've previous used an item from that pack and it's in my home I can use the eye dropper to copy an item and that works no problem. I've tried to re-use the fixes on it but it's still the same problem. Has anyone experience this before? 

Thank You in advance



Ive solved it, was thinking about it after I posted this and while at a friends and it had some how partially uninstalled. It showed the item images and the prices but no info. Anyway I came back and thought I would uninstall and then reinstall it and when I went to uninstall it wasn't listen so I just reinstalled and working like a charm now Showtime loads but can not use items etc. [SOLVED] Icon_smile


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Showtime loads but can not use items etc. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Showtime loads but can not use items etc. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 21 Jun 2014, 09:19

Becksibee wrote:Hello everyone,

I have Showtime installed along with a few other expansions and stuff packs. It was working however now I can not buy items from that pack. If I've previous used an item from that pack and it's in my home I can use the eye dropper to copy an item and that works no problem. I've tried to re-use the fixes on it but it's still the same problem. Has anyone experience this before? 

Thank You in advance



Ive solved it, was thinking about it after I posted this and while at a friends and it had some how partially uninstalled. It showed the item images and the prices but no info. Anyway I came back and thought I would uninstall and then reinstall it and when I went to uninstall it wasn't listen so I just reinstalled and working like a charm now Showtime loads but can not use items etc. [SOLVED] Icon_smile

Hello and sorry for the late reply,

Thank you for sharing that fix though ! Very Happy  I'm sure it can help other people with similar issues.

If you have any other questions, feel free to open a new topic. Have fun with the game ! Topic closed.

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