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Town loads 99% and then stops. [SOLVED]

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Town loads 99% and then stops. [SOLVED] Empty Town loads 99% and then stops. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sat 09 Aug 2014, 20:13

Hi. I know there are many topics about this and I read almost all of them, and I've tried all the solutions that you suggested, but nothing worked for me. I've downloaded The Sims 3 exactly as shown up in your steps in "How to install The Sims 3 correctly." I also used your Ultimate Fix, and everything works fine until I choose a town (any of them) and when it comes to loading the town, and it comes right to the end, it stops. I waited for like 2 hours and nothing moved. I also tried to run it in windowed mode, run it as administrator, I watched a whole film at the beginning, in options I set the graphic to low, and I've tried to delete cache files. Nothing helped, at all. I don't have any mods or custom content because I just downloaded the game and expansion packs. I really don't know what could be wrong. My computer is strong and I don't have any viruses. Somebody please help I'm desperate I'm trying to make it work for like 3 days Sad


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Town loads 99% and then stops. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Town loads 99% and then stops. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 13 Aug 2014, 03:38

monikakoprivc wrote:Hi. I know there are many topics about this and I read almost all of them, and I've tried all the solutions that you suggested, but nothing worked for me. I've downloaded The Sims 3 exactly as shown up in your steps in "How to install The Sims 3 correctly." I also used your Ultimate Fix, and everything works fine until I choose a town (any of them) and when it comes to loading the town, and it comes right to the end, it stops. I waited for like 2 hours and nothing moved. I also tried to run it in windowed mode, run it as administrator, I watched a whole film at the beginning, in options I set the graphic to low, and I've tried to delete cache files. Nothing helped, at all. I don't have any mods or custom content because I just downloaded the game and expansion packs. I really don't know what could be wrong. My computer is strong and I don't have any viruses. Somebody please help I'm desperate I'm trying to make it work for like 3 days Sad


I'm sorry for the late reply. Sad  But check out this thread here by me, and see if this solution helps you. Good luck !

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Town loads 99% and then stops. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Town loads 99% and then stops. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 13 Aug 2014, 15:36

No problem about the late reply thing.  Surprised  So I've tried to delete the cache file and I've done all the things written on that link, and I've played the game. I was sure that I'll be disappointed again, but suddenly the town loaded  Very Happy  I was really happy, thank you!  sunny

Mod edit: problem solved, topic closed. Have fun !

- Carlos


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Town loads 99% and then stops. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Town loads 99% and then stops. [SOLVED]

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