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Island Paradise problems

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Island Paradise problems  Empty Island Paradise problems

Post by Guest Sun 22 Jun 2014, 22:54

Whenever playing Island Paradise it seems to freeze for a moment but animations still can be heard and are moving as normal. Tried ResetSim * and had no effect.. help?


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Island Paradise problems  Empty Re: Island Paradise problems

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 26 Jun 2014, 04:01

Denis0715 wrote:Whenever playing Island Paradise it seems to freeze for a moment but animations still can be heard and are moving as normal. Tried ResetSim * and had no effect.. help?


Assuming your computer is strong enough for the game (the "Isla Paradiso" neighborhood is very demanding on computer performance), you can either check out the solutions here:


Or you can also try lowering some graphics settings. Start with resolution, then go on with edge smoothing and draw distance. Or just lower all the settings, and see if that makes a difference. Good luck !
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