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Tell your opinion of what is the worst and the scariest virus that you can have or had

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Tell your opinion of what is the worst and the scariest virus that you can have or had Empty Tell your opinion of what is the worst and the scariest virus that you can have or had

Post by Guest Sat 20 Sep 2014, 15:55

Well the reason I create this topic It's because I'm curious and also because today I got a fake virus and a fake notification from police from my country (Portugal), I think this is the worst and the scariest virus you can get because this at the beginning you think It's really from the police because it shows your IP, Country (País), Region (Região), city (Cidade), ISP "Internet Service Provider", Operating System (Sistema Operativo) and Username (Nome de Usuário) and also forces you to pay 100€, the reason it says you must pay 100€ It's because they accuses me from watching/distribute pornography child/brutality/rape videos and It also accuses me from violating copyrights by uploading musics/videos/softwares unlicensed, and accuses me from that was done unauthorized access to internal information and the information of national importance in the internet (none of these charges is true) and It also prevents me from using Task Manager, here's the screenshot message that appeared in my computer (this screenshot is not mine but It's exactly the same message that appeared in my computer):

Tell your opinion of what is the worst and the scariest virus that you can have or had Policia-judiciaria-de-portugal-virus

You can go to Google Translator, translate this to see from yourself.

I solve this problem by shutdown the network adapter to prevent connecting to the Internet, then I restart my computer, then when my computer start I scan with my anti virus to try to delete the file a few time later my anti virus detect that virus and then I delete the virus and I finally got my Task Manager working again, then I finally connect to the internet and after that, that message didn't appear in my computer again.

PS: I know this massage It's not really from the police because I search information about this virus, and I found out, that the police from my country doesn't send this kinds of notifications and virus to anyone (I don't know If in the other countries is the same).


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Tell your opinion of what is the worst and the scariest virus that you can have or had Empty Re: Tell your opinion of what is the worst and the scariest virus that you can have or had

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 20 Sep 2014, 17:40


Depending on the country you're in, the authorities (police,...) will usually contact you by a letter, phone call or they might even "pay you a visit". But that type of notification is...highly unusual. 

And if it's supposed to be something serious like child pornography, the police will definitely come to your door, and NOT just contact you by e-mail, or whatever this notification exactly is.

Good to hear though that it's just fake !
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Tell your opinion of what is the worst and the scariest virus that you can have or had Empty Re: Tell your opinion of what is the worst and the scariest virus that you can have or had

Post by Guest Sat 20 Sep 2014, 22:30

I remember long ago I downloaded a Spanish movie and it turned out to be a 120 minutes aggressive video against Internet piracy made by the Spanish police saying that I was committing a crime. Though it wasn't a virus.


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