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Anyone please help. :( [CLOSED]

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Anyone please help. :( [CLOSED] Empty Anyone please help. :( [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Thu 09 Jul 2015, 07:05

BbyGhie23Admin I have a problem with my sims 3 island paradise, i followed the instruction to install the 1.67 patch manually so that i can install the island paradise but after i install it and copy the crack to the bin of the sims 3 base game, and when i run the game, it notify that the sims 3 base game have a different version to the sims 3 island paradise and when i check it. the version of island paradise is and the version of the base game sims 3 is and it indicates that if you want to continue or not and if i click continue then the game will start and when it reach out the main menu i cant create a new game. Can you help me? Co'z i really want to play the island paradise but i cant install it properly. What will i do? but right now i uninstall the island paradise to avoid my previous expansions from crashing. but i still have the installer. please help me  Why. Why. Why. Why God. Why God. Why God. Help Help Help The Sims 3 plumbob The Sims 3 plumbob


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Anyone please help. :( [CLOSED] Empty Re: Anyone please help. :( [CLOSED]

Post by Admin Thu 09 Jul 2015, 11:00


Please do not open multiple topics about the same issue/same game, but keep them all in one thread. Otherwise it's considered spamming.
Continue here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t20574-help-me-with-the-sims-3-island-paradise-please-admin-help

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