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sims 4 temp fix origin problems on install

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sims 4 temp fix origin problems on install Empty sims 4 temp fix origin problems on install

Post by Guest Mon 24 Aug 2015, 10:49

hi i was wondering if any1 could help me as i have been trying all night but not getting anywhere..
i have just last night download the new temp fix and done all them following steps but when ive come to open the game its origin thats the problem. see at first it said i had to update origin so i did this.. and also moved where thesims4 folder is so that it comes straight under programe filesx86 but now when i try open sims4 its just keeps on bringin up this same message about origin .. if any1 could help would be much appreicated

[img]sims 4 temp fix origin problems on install Thyzqh11[/img]


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sims 4 temp fix origin problems on install Empty Re: sims 4 temp fix origin problems on install

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 24 Aug 2015, 11:11

The best advice I can give you is this here:

Ignore the part about avast (unless you yourself have avast, too), and focus on the parts about Windows Defender and the Windows firewall. Smile  And as for your main anti-virus program, if you have such, you'll need to figure out how to configure the exclusions properly. I suggest you add the location C:\Program files(x86)\The Sims 4 to the exclusions then.

After that, please re-extract the contents from the .RARs that you downloaded, and re-apply the Ultimate fix.

ALSO very important, delete all your old shortcuts to TS4 on the desktop. Navigate to the new install location - again, that's C:\Program files(x86)\The Sims 4\Game\Bin - right-click on the TS4.exe, and select "send to -> Desktop (create shortcut)".

Now start the game again (from the new shortcut you made), and see if it works. Good luck !
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