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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Fri 05 Feb 2016, 01:08

Hi to whoever is reading this,

I am just trying to install the Sims Castaway Stories from your downloads site but I keep getting the error that I need to install Direct X 9.0 or higher. I have windows 8.1 installed, and I checked my latest Direct X version by searching 'dxdiag' which says I have Direct X 11 installed. Just not sure what is happening. I get through to the part to put in the code, it works and then I get a blank 'License and Agreement' Page, I click Agree, and the message pops pops up that I need to download the latest version...which I have I just updated my laptop as well as few days ago. 

I wasn't able to find a topic that talks specifically about this issue, so sorry for making a new topic if there has been several. I checked the fixed section as well.

EDIT: I also tried downloading it through the DirectX file provided when you extract...but the issue is still happening.


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 05 Feb 2016, 01:22

ItsAisha wrote:Hi to whoever is reading this,

I am just trying to install the Sims Castaway Stories from your downloads site but I keep getting the error that I need to install Direct X 9.0 or higher. I have windows 8.1 installed, and I checked my latest Direct X version by searching 'dxdiag' which says I have Direct X 11 installed. Just not sure what is happening. I get through to the part to put in the code, it works and then I get a blank 'License and Agreement' Page, I click Agree, and the message pops pops up that I need to download the latest version...which I have I just updated my laptop as well as few days ago. 

I wasn't able to find a topic that talks specifically about this issue, so sorry for making a new topic if there has been several. I checked the fixed section as well.

EDIT: I also tried downloading it through the DirectX file provided when you extract...but the issue is still happening.

Hello again,

Have you really made sure to download and install ALL available Windows updates ? Please do so if you still haven't done that on your own computer. 

Other than that, the error sounds familiar and reminds me of something I saw in another game. Can you try this here too ?

Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Screenshotef6a

Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off.

Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Screenshot290e

Unfold the folder named "Legacy Components" and see if the box named DirectPlay is ticked. If not, please tick that box manually and click on "OK". I don't remember anymore, but you may need to re-start the computer for the changes to take effect.

After that, try running the setup again. Good luck for now !
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Fri 05 Feb 2016, 19:57

Thanks for the response Carlos, my laptop is set to automatically update windows. I checked and updated all the optional ones as well, so my windows is up to date. I also tried the other suggestion and made sure DirectPlay is ticked, but I'm still getting the same message. 

Not sure if this has to do with it but I get the message to make sure all programs running are closed before it brings up the option to select a language. All programs are closed except for the file explorer and the installation guide. I'm also confused as to why the license and agreement comes up blank, is that how it's meant to be or am I missing a file? Just trying to hypothesize what could be wrong.

Thanks for the help.


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 06 Feb 2016, 00:13

ItsAisha wrote:Thanks for the response Carlos, my laptop is set to automatically update windows. I checked and updated all the optional ones as well, so my windows is up to date. I also tried the other suggestion and made sure DirectPlay is ticked, but I'm still getting the same message. 

Not sure if this has to do with it but I get the message to make sure all programs running are closed before it brings up the option to select a language. All programs are closed except for the file explorer and the installation guide. I'm also confused as to why the license and agreement comes up blank, is that how it's meant to be or am I missing a file? Just trying to hypothesize what could be wrong.

Thanks for the help.

Did you use WinRAR for extracting the contents of the .RAR download ? Please use only WinRAR. Also, make sure that you actually extract ALL the contents of the .RAR, into a fresh folder. Then resume/restart the installation from there.
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Mon 08 Feb 2016, 00:53

Yes I only use WinRAR to extra my files, and I made a new folder on desktop and extracted all the files. I have done this twice but I'm still getting the same problem. Here is a screenshot of what the folder looks like.

Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. <a href=Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Sims_c11" />


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 10 Feb 2016, 01:42

You could try (re-)downloading DirectX 9 from the official site here:

But other than that, I'm afraid I'm clueless for the time being, I'm sorry I can't help more here.

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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Thu 11 Feb 2016, 03:46

Thanks for the help Carlos, yeah I'm not sure what is wrong. I tried the link but I get this message.

Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Direct15
I also tried this suggestion but the link does not work lol. Just my luck. Anyways, I'll keep playing around with it, hopefully I find a solution. Thank you Smile

Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Direct16


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 11 Feb 2016, 04:49

How about this here:

Go inside your installation folder of Castaway stories, then inside the "Autorun"-subfolder. Look for the file Autorun.cfg and open it (with the Notepad). Now look here:

Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Screenshot3548

This screenshot is for Pet Stories, but it should be the same on the other "Stories" games too. Where DirectX is shown in the screenshot, there will normally be 9.0c. Replace that with "0" as shown in my screenshot and save the changes to the document.

Now try the installation again and see if that helps you. Smile
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Fri 12 Feb 2016, 03:52

I have just tried that and I get the same error message, except it now says I don't have Direct X 0. Haha. I also received this message. 
Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Captur10

Clicking retry doesn't do anything. I just get a quick black pop up and that's it. Again, thanks for the help. I'm already accepting that it might not work for some reason on my laptop. It's strange because I have never had this issue. I recently downloaded MySims from your downloads page and that works perfectly. Not sure what is up with Castaway stories lol


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 12 Feb 2016, 03:56

ItsAisha wrote:I have just tried that and I get the same error message, except it now says I don't have Direct X 0. Haha. I also received this message. 
Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Captur10

Again, thanks for the help. I'm already accepting that it might not work for some reason on my laptop. It's strange because I have never had this issue. I recently downloaded MySims from your downloads page and that works perfectly. Not sure what is up with Castaway stories lol

Now I am really curious about this issue.  Shocked  First of all, please un-do the suggestion of my previous post, so change that entry in the autorun.cfg to what it was before. Then, if you are able and interested too, could you try - at some point - to install one of the other "Stories"-games (either Pet Stories or Life Stories) and see how the installation goes there ?

No rush though. You don't have to do this immediately. Feel free to try this whenever your motivation and time allow you to do so. Until then, I'm sorry I couldn't help more here, but there may be one or two more things that could be attempted. We'll see though. 
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Mon 15 Feb 2016, 05:36

I keep having the same issue. I get told I don't have direct x (which I do). I did the file mod, changing the line from 9.0c to 0, and still get it. not sure what's going on


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 16 Feb 2016, 04:56

nekurakydo wrote:I keep having the same issue (...) not sure what's going on

Hello and welcome to the forum @nekurakydo,

Sorry to hear about that, but as I hinted in other threads, these "Sim stories" games have received VERY little official support from EA. There aren't even any official patches for these games, hence there are so many glitches and problems with them.

We'll have to wait and see if the OP (@ItsAisha) manages to install the other "Stories"-games, and go from there. Until then I can't really suggest more, I'm sorry.
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Wed 17 Feb 2016, 05:01

good news is, about 2 days later, for the heck of it, I've decided to try loading again. it worked. it takes forever to load, but at least it loads


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 17 Feb 2016, 20:55

nekurakydo wrote:good news is, about 2 days later, for the heck of it, I've decided to try loading again. it worked. it takes forever to load, but at least it loads

Nice to hear that. Very Happy  

Since your issue is going to be different from now on, compared to the OP here in this thread, I would suggest that you open a new thread in this subforum, should you have any follow-up questions on this game. Smile
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Sun 21 Feb 2016, 07:27

After failing with my Windows 10 PC (there's a thread about), I moved all my Sims Stories installers to another laptop with Intel Core 3 and Windows 7.

Now I have exactly the problems described by ItsAisha in all the Sims Stories games (I tried the tree). Changing the Autorun.cfg file hasn't helped neither.


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 21 Feb 2016, 11:04

Enric wrote:After failing with my Windows 10 PC (there's a thread about), I moved all my Sims Stories installers to another laptop with Intel Core 3 and Windows 7.

Now I have exactly the problems described by ItsAisha in all the Sims Stories games (I tried the tree). Changing the Autorun.cfg file hasn't helped neither.

Sorry to hear about that, but as I said to @nekurakydo before, we will have to wait and see if the opening poster manages to install the other "Stories"-games. From then, we will have to see what else can be done.

By the way, this is a common problem with the game in general, both legit + pirated, and for which there does not seem to be a solution that is working for everybody.  I myself managed to install the games just fine on my own Windows 10 system, so from my perspective, I have no means of suggesting further measures - for the moment - other than what I said already. I'm sorry.
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Tue 23 Feb 2016, 07:27

Sorry it to me a while to respond back. I tried to install both Life Stories and Pet Stories but I still get the same error. Same still persists for Castaway stories as well. I also tried the suggestion of changing Direct X=9.0c to 0 but I still get the same error (for life stories, and pet stories. As well this:

[img]Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Pet_st10[/img]


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 23 Feb 2016, 17:48

ItsAisha wrote:Sorry it to me a while to respond back. I tried to install both Life Stories and Pet Stories but I still get the same error. Same still persists for Castaway stories as well. I also tried the suggestion of changing Direct X=9.0c to 0 but I still get the same error (for life stories, and pet stories. As well this:

Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Pet_st10

Hello again,


Download my own "Support"-folder from the link (you'll need to extract it with WinRAR), and try pasting it into your installation-folder of Castaway-stories. Then try resuming the installation once again.

I'm not sure if this is a feasible option, but look inside the location C:\Program files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims Castaway Stories. If you see that location on your own system, also try pasting that "Support"-folder into said folder location.

Good luck again !
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Mon 29 Feb 2016, 04:48

Hey Carlos, no dice with the support folder. I pasted it into the file where I extracted all my castaway files into. This is a file called Castaway Stories on desktop. Then I clicked auto run and followed the steps from the installation folder. I am still getting the direct X 9.0 error. Did I follow the steps correctly? 

I also checked the programs file but I don't have the castaway file in my EA folder.


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 29 Feb 2016, 16:27

ItsAisha wrote:Hey Carlos, no dice with the support folder. I pasted it into the file where I extracted all my castaway files into. This is a file called Castaway Stories on desktop. Then I clicked auto run and followed the steps from the installation folder. I am still getting the direct X 9.0 error. Did I follow the steps correctly? 

I also checked the programs file but I don't have the castaway file in my EA folder.

It's probably a long shot, but do you still have the torrent of Castaway Stories running in your torrent client (as "seeding") ? If yes, right-click on the torrent ad choose STOP. Then right-click again on it and look for something that says "Force re-check". Wait until the re-check has been done, and then re-extract the contents of the .RAR file into a fresh empty folder. Try starting the installation from there.

Should you not have the torrent running anymore, do you still have the original .RAR file in its original download location ? Assuming the .RAR is still in the same download-directory as it was put by your torrent client, and assuming the filename of the .RAR hasn't been changed, you can re-download either the torrent file, or the magnet link. If everything is done correctly, the torrent should show up in your client again with the status as "checking". When that is done, you can again right-click on the torrent and select "stop", after which you do the thing with "force re-check".
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Sat 12 Mar 2016, 06:30

Really really sorry for the late reply. Uni has been keeping me busy. I did have the torrent still in my u-torrent but not as seeding...it just says finished. I did a force recheck and extracted the files into a new folder like you suggested, but the problem still persists. I also recently updated my laptop to windows 10, but still having the same problem.

Thank you so much for your help Carlos, i was feeling nostalgic at the time and wanted to play the game. But this issue has ruined that a bit for me haha. I'll keep trying anyways. Really appreciate the help Smile


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 12 Mar 2016, 08:13

ItsAisha wrote:Really really sorry for the late reply. Uni has been keeping me busy. I did have the torrent still in my u-torrent but not as seeding...it just says finished. I did a force recheck and extracted the files into a new folder like you suggested, but the problem still persists. I also recently updated my laptop to windows 10, but still having the same problem.

Thank you so much for your help Carlos, i was feeling nostalgic at the time and wanted to play the game. But this issue has ruined that a bit for me haha. I'll keep trying anyways. Really appreciate the help Smile

If you want to go through the hassle, try re-installing Windows. But this time, try using Windows 7. Very Happy  But I'll leave that to you, of course. Personally, I suspect that will have higher chances of success, but of course you shouldn't take my word for it. Razz
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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by Guest Fri 27 May 2016, 07:50

I've figured out how to work around the missing directx issue. You need to run the 'AutoRun.exe' executable in compatability mode for "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)" and run it as Admin. It should work after that.


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Direct X Sims Castaway Stories. Empty Re: Direct X Sims Castaway Stories.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 28 May 2016, 12:22

LenKunNow wrote:I've figured out how to work around the missing directx issue. You need to run the 'AutoRun.exe' executable in compatability mode for "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)" and run it as Admin. It should work after that.

Welcome to the forum @LenKunNow !

Thanks for sharing the tip !  Carlos is tha man  Very Happy
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