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Installation folder. [SOLVED]

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Installation folder. [SOLVED] Empty Installation folder. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2016, 14:22

Hello guys,

So, I have just switched into a new PC. And I'm thinking about installing back The Sims 4 since the latest update had been released although, there's isn't Dine Out Expansion. So, I would like to install The Sims 4 into my Local Disk (D:), since it contain much more space compared to my Local Disk (C:). I would just like to know if this is a good idea? If I actually did install the game on Local Disk D, would it have a negative effect on my game? Would it be any problem? May my game crash or frozen up like my cousin did? Thank you for your time.  Smile Smile Smile

Oh yeah, now I'm still downloading the Ultimate Fix actually. The file pretty huge I'll say. Oh my...


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Installation folder. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Installation folder. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2016, 14:37

when you're installing Base Game you first need to install it to C: disk, then move it to D:\Program Files(x86) or Program Files. After that is done just install Get to Work, Get Together and latest Ultimate Fix.


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Installation folder. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Installation folder. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2016, 14:49

simmer_tony wrote:Hello, 
when you're installing Base Game you first need to install it to C: disk, then move it to D:\Program Files(x86) or Program Files. After that is done just install Get to Work, Get Together and latest Ultimate Fix.

Thank you for your reply. So, it means after installing my base game, I just need to simply move it into my Local Disk D ( D:\Program Files(x86) ), and after that install the other expansions and Ultimate Fix, by it's default and no need to do anything with it?  Smile


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Installation folder. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Installation folder. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2016, 15:05

Yes, exactly.
But you also need to add exclusion folders from The Sims 4 to antivirus exclusion list to work properly.


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Installation folder. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Installation folder. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 26 Jul 2016, 15:12

simmer_tony wrote:Yes, exactly.
But you also need to add exclusion folders from The Sims 4 to antivirus exclusion list to work properly.

Oh, I see. Ok, thanks alot. If I attain some problem, I'll asked again later.  Smile Thank you..


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Installation folder. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Installation folder. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 02 Aug 2016, 18:41

DanishQweex wrote:
Oh, I see. Ok, thanks alot. If I attain some problem, I'll asked again later.  Smile Thank you..

If everything is OK with the hard-drive then you shouldn't encounter any problems. If the hard-drive is connected through USB, then there could be very slight performance drops, but I think in The Sims 4, this is not really that "noticeable". At least for The Sims 3 back then I didn't notice much of a difference. Smile

Yes, do post back here in case of further questions !
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Installation folder. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Installation folder. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 03 Aug 2016, 15:35

The_gh0stm4n wrote:
DanishQweex wrote:
Oh, I see. Ok, thanks alot. If I attain some problem, I'll asked again later.  Smile Thank you..

If everything is OK with the hard-drive then you shouldn't encounter any problems. If the hard-drive is connected through USB, then there could be very slight performance drops, but I think in The Sims 4, this is not really that "noticeable". At least for The Sims 3 back then I didn't notice much of a difference. Smile

Yes, do post back here in case of further questions !

Yes thank you. Well, I have been playing The Sims 4 for quite a time lately and I installed them on the Local Disk D, and everything works absoulute alright. There's no crash or anything, it just the game start quite a bit slow compared to if I install them in the Local Disk C. Even though, my Local Disk D doesn't connected through USB cable but it directly attached inside my PC. However, that doesn't disturb my gameplay at all so I guess, this should be okay rather than not being able to play them.

Once again, thank you.  Very Happy


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Installation folder. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Installation folder. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 04 Aug 2016, 00:19

DanishQweex wrote:
Yes thank you. Well, I have been playing The Sims 4 for quite a time lately and I installed them on the Local Disk D, and everything works absoulute alright. There's no crash or anything, it just the game start quite a bit slow compared to if I install them in the Local Disk C. Even though, my Local Disk D doesn't connected through USB cable but it directly attached inside my PC. However, that doesn't disturb my gameplay at all so I guess, this should be okay rather than not being able to play them.

Once again, thank you.  Very Happy

Maybe the slow starting is due to a lot of CC...but other than that, it sounds good ! Feel free to open a new topic anytime again if you need more support ! Smile  Since your original problem seems solved, I will close this topic now.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Installation folder. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Installation folder. [SOLVED]

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