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Anti-Virus messed up crack for Sims 4, how can I fix it?

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Anti-Virus messed up crack for Sims 4, how can I fix it? Empty Anti-Virus messed up crack for Sims 4, how can I fix it?

Post by Guest Sun 07 Aug 2016, 16:13

I have McAfee LiveSafe anti-virus, and when I was downloading the game I tried to make it a trusted file, but the anti-virus software wouldn't allow me to do that. So all I did was have the anti-virus software turned off. Long story short, the anti-virus ended up putting the file in quarantine and I took it out. It now shows the error that Origin needs to be running, whenever I start up the game. I downloaded ultimate fix, but that isn't working either. Any idea how to fix this without uninstalling, and re-downloading? Your help is seriously appreciated.


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Anti-Virus messed up crack for Sims 4, how can I fix it? Empty Re: Anti-Virus messed up crack for Sims 4, how can I fix it?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 07 Aug 2016, 21:30

mychel_ wrote:I have McAfee LiveSafe anti-virus, and when I was downloading the game I tried to make it a trusted file, but the anti-virus software wouldn't allow me to do that. So all I did was have the anti-virus software turned off. Long story short, the anti-virus ended up putting the file in quarantine and I took it out. It now shows the error that Origin needs to be running, whenever I start up the game. I downloaded ultimate fix, but that isn't working either. Any idea how to fix this without uninstalling, and re-downloading? Your help is seriously appreciated.

Hello @"miychel_" and welcome to the forum,

I would advise you to consider getting rid of a program that doesn't accept your input (this "McAffee LiveSafe"). Then re-boot the computer.

If you have Windows 10, it could be an issue though, because Windows Defender will turn itself on then. At that point you can do it like I did back then, and simply add the entire C: drive to the exclusions in Windows Defender. Or...you try one of those other guides that circulate around the internet, which allegedly allow you to turn off WIndows Defender, even without a third-party anti-virus. Note that there are speculations saying that Windows Defender cannot be completely turned off, so..be advised.

After which you re-apply the latest Ultimate fix, which should restore the crack files. Good luck for now and do keep us posted ! Very Happy
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