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Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED]

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Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Empty Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 11 Dec 2016, 07:48

Hi, I'm new to installing mods, and I can't figure out how to get mine to work. I couldn't find a Mod folder within The Sims 4 files, so I made one, but that didn't seem to work. I am also having trouble with package files. Please help!


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Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 11 Dec 2016, 07:57

xennyrenny wrote:Hi, I'm new to installing mods, and I can't figure out how to get mine to work. I couldn't find a Mod folder within The Sims 4 files, so I made one, but that didn't seem to work. I am also having trouble with package files. Please help!

Hello and welcome to the Forum @xennyrenny!

From the guide here:

Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Screen16

C:\Users\(your username)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. Note: you have to start the game at least once (and then exit it), in order for the Mods-folder to be created in that location. Good luck! Very Happy
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Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 11 Dec 2016, 08:28

I have entered the game and exited a couple times, and it hasn't shown up. I recently applied the Ultimate fix for Sims 4, does that have anything to do with it? And this is how the Sims 4 folder looks.Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Captur10


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Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 11 Dec 2016, 08:43

xennyrenny wrote:I have entered the game and exited a couple times, and it hasn't shown up. I recently applied the Ultimate fix for Sims 4, does that have anything to do with it? And this is how the Sims 4 folder looks.Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Captur10

This is not the right location. Smile

Please look again very carefully at the screenshot from my post before. There is really not much else behind it. Or if you cannot seem to find it that way, in your screenshot look on the left and click on "This PC -> Documents". Then Electronic Arts\The Sims 4.

I'm not sure if the "OneDrive" has an influence here, but you may want to uninstall it, if it's possible. I don't have that much experience with Windos 10, but I heard OneDrive can mess with these folders as well...
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Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 11 Dec 2016, 10:39

My OS Windows 8. And I also uninstalled all of Sims 4 and deleted all the files, reinstalled it with Games4theworld's Sims4, and also both expansions and the ultimate fix, but my Sims4 file folder still looks like the previous photo.


Also, the Ultimate Fix says to move the Sims 4 out of the Electronic Arts folder and to Program files (x86). I looked in the 'Client' folder of the Sims 4 folder and it has a Resource.cfg file and other package files in there. Could I place my mods in that folder?


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Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 11 Dec 2016, 10:54

If you like, join the Forum chatbox at the top of the Forum main page. I'll then help you via TeamViewer. Smile

Edit: problem solved through TeamViewer; have fun with the game and feel free to open a new topic anytime again you need more help! Topic is closed now.
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Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED] Empty Re: Where is the Mods folder in TS4? [SOLVED]

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