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r/Crackwatch: Best and latest scene release info. #UPDATED#

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r/Crackwatch: Best and latest scene release info. #UPDATED# Empty r/Crackwatch: Best and latest scene release info. #UPDATED#

Post by Guest Fri 01 Dec 2017, 08:29

Find out the latest info on what new games are cracked daily over on reddit.



Funny, this was just posted, so i figured i'd add it here to give a little more info about r/Crackwatch


First off, we would like to welcome all newcomers to our community. We are a piracy news community where we inform the latest news related to video game piracy, including major scene and P2P releases. Before you make a submission, we would like you to read our rules. If you are still not sure if you should post on our subreddit, then please read our FAQ before making a post:
Q: Hello, I am new to this subreddit, how does this work?
Very simple. If you are wondering if a game is cracked, then you can use a search bar and type in a game. If it doesn't appear, you can still post a question in the weekly question thread, or r/cracksupport. Please do not make a separate question post, because it will be deleted and you will be warned.
How is this sub related to r/CrackStatus?
CrackStatus is considered to be the predecessor of Crack Watch. In the end of September 2016, group of CrackStatus mods were demoted due to the trust issues that the owner had with those mods. The same mods made r/CrackWatch. Few days later, r/CrackStatus was shut down by the owner, and r/CrackWatch took it's place. Now, it's used an archive of previous posts.
So do you guys deal with piracy in general or only video game piracy?
Only video game piracy.
So where are the download links? All I see are NFO's.
We cannot share download links to illegal content, because it's against reddits global rules. We can give you list of domains where you can get your desired content, but after that you are on your own. We also ask you to not share these download links with others, because we will delete them. We take this rule very seriously.
What is an NFO?
NFO's are like readme.txt that scene makes. It gives you instructions, general description of the game and some additional information.
What is scene? And what is P2P?
Scene is an underground community of people who crack and share copyrighted material. They have strict rules that all scene members have to abide. P2P is similar to scene, but they are independent
Do you guys know if X game will be cracked or will X game use Denuvo?
No, nobody knows. Don't get your hopes up, scene members won't answer your questions.
Why doesn't Scene crack games that community wants?
Scene groups don't care about the community, they crack for fame.
Does Scene have an official website?
Can I support the scene in any way?
No, just give money to the devs who deserve your money
When is X game going to be cracked? What is the current progress on X game?
Impossible to know. We don't have any contact with any of the scene members, and even if we did, they wouldn't tell us.
Do you guys think X game will be cracked, whats your opinion on...
Please refrain from posting threads like these and instead use other subreddits like r/Piracy if you are going to make empty speculations, or opinion based threads.
Why can't I comment or post?
You need 5 comment karma. You can easily acquire it by posting on other subreddits through Reddit, like r/cracksupport. It takes 5 minutes.
What are seeders and leechers?
A Seeder is someone from whom you can download a piece of file. Hence they affect the overall availability of file on P2P network.
A Leecher is someone who has downloaded a file but is not sharing it back to P2P network. Hence, the overall availability of file decreases.
What are the risks of downloading a torrent containing cracks?
It depends on a lot of things: Where do you live, how strict are copyright laws in your country and how much does the government enforces these laws. Countries like France, Germany and UK are known to have extremely strict copyright laws where they will usually heavily fine you if you are caught downloading pirated content. If you live in a country where copyright law is enforced heavily, you might need to get yourself a VPN, and unfortunately, you will also have to invest some money in getting a good VPN to protect you, because free VPNs rarely work.
How is this subreddit not shut down?
The same reason r/Piracy is not shut down. There is nothing illegal on this subreddit and nothing that breaks reddits Terms of Service. If there is, we encourage users to report it to us so that we immediately remove it.
List of active video game scene crackers:

  • CPY/Conspir4cy
  • TiNYiSO
  • Outlaws
  • BAT
  • Razor1911

Trusted sites:

Not trusted sites:

  • cpygames
  • oceanofgames
  • NoSteam

Trusted P2P crackers:

  • Baldman
  • ALI213
  • Steam006
  • Potato_Of_Doom
  • Voksi/REVOLT/RVT
  • Mkdev
  • T0x1c
  • Fisher

Untrusted P2P crackers:

  • 3DM (Recently stealing from scene/P2P crackers and crediting themselves)
  • NoSteam
  • Bronko
  • The_Duck1

Trusted Repackers:

  • ElAmigos
  • Kaos
  • RG Mechanics
  • Fitgirl
  • Corepack
  • MrDJ (Retired)
  • xatab
  • Dzrepackteam
  • Darck
  • NORO
  • x.X.RIDDICK.X.x

Untrusted Repackers:

  • Seyter/Qoob

Special thanks to:

Last edited by Misfit203 on Sat 02 Dec 2017, 13:56; edited 2 times in total


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r/Crackwatch: Best and latest scene release info. #UPDATED# Empty Re: r/Crackwatch: Best and latest scene release info. #UPDATED#

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 22 Dec 2017, 20:00

Misfit203 wrote:https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/

Untrusted P2P crackers:

  • 3DM (Recently stealing from scene/P2P crackers and crediting themselves)

Late reply (due to the temporary closure of the Forum), but yes. The emphasis in bold red: the old adage that there is something even remotely resembling a - legally enforceable - copyright claim when it comes to pirated items. 

Now, I'm aware that every milieu/social environment has its own (sometimes unwritten) rules, and that these rules are often arbitrary in nature. I get that in the scene, some people may feel slighted on a moral level if someone repacks an item and says "I have created this !11111111".

On the other hand, maybe I am interpreting too much here, but every time I see piracy fans talking about stealing from someone and taking credit unjustly, then I think to myself, is the implication of this line of argument, that there is a copyright on pirated items, or at least some moral claim for the original creator? Take some of the earlier G4TW torrents for example, which either do not need cracks at all to run, or were in fact cracked by former G4TW staff. I can only speak for myself, but I would not flinch at all if other people repacked that and took credit. I have better things to worry about, but again, others may indeed feel differently.

Since we are not really much "into or about the scene", we don't get these discussions all too often; but not too long ago, I recall a guest contributor on the Forum here, arguing that we - the G4TW team - had no right to put adfly-links on "his" items, because they were repacked by him (in the end he had to go, but for different reasons than this). The point is, this thinking that there is at least something similar like a copyright for pirated stuff, appears to be more widespread than one might think.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

Windows version :
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 32 bits (x86)
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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r/Crackwatch: Best and latest scene release info. #UPDATED# Empty Re: r/Crackwatch: Best and latest scene release info. #UPDATED#

Post by Guest Mon 25 Dec 2017, 22:46

The_gh0stm4n wrote:Now, I'm aware that every milieu/social environment has its own (sometimes unwritten) rules, and that these rules are often arbitrary in nature. I get that in the scene, some people may feel slighted on a moral level if someone repacks an item and says "I have created this !11111111".

On the other hand, maybe I am interpreting too much here, but every time I see piracy fans talking about stealing from someone and taking credit unjustly, then I think to myself, is the implication of this line of argument, that there is a copyright on pirated items, or at least some moral claim for the original creator? Take some of the earlier G4TW torrents for example, which either do not need cracks at all to run, or were in fact cracked by former G4TW staff. I can only speak for myself, but I would not flinch at all if other people repacked that and took credit. I have better things to worry about, but again, others may indeed feel differently.

Since we are not really much "into or about the scene", we don't get these discussions all too often; but not too long ago, I recall a guest contributor on the Forum here, arguing that we - the G4TW team - had no right to put adfly-links on "his" items, because they were repacked by him (in the end he had to go, but for different reasons than this). The point is, this thinking that there is at least something similar like a copyright for pirated stuff, appears to be more widespread than one might think.

Copyright is used pretty much only in a legal sense, so I don't think that's the point. It's obvious that the ones on the scene don't actually think they have a legal standing on their cracks or otherwise, it's more about their reputation. The groups crack games for competition and reputation, as it's speculated or even accepted. All of that to show they can indeed crack the games, and/or that they can crack them faster than anyone else. That's why most if not all of the cracks have 'signatures' from the group that did it, to gain reputation inside the scene. In that context, I can see how it will be very frowned upon for a group to start stealing credit for a crack, the only purpose being to deceive and boast about something they didn't do. If 3DM did indeed remove a signature to replace it for their own, that would wreck their reputation, as it seems it already happened.

Repackers are different, as they don't replace these signatures, they only make it more convenient for the user to download or use the cracks, as the groups a lot of the time don't care about this. Their primary concern is not that people will download and play their cracked games, just that the other groups in the scene will recognize them for what they did, for breaking or bypassing a DRM in a game. Some groups will bother uploading their cracks to the public, because why not, it's already done, but for some others the crack will have to be leaked from their private communication channel so it can be shared in public. Repackers sometimes come and either make the installation easier, or combine several expansion packs into one, things like that.

This doesn't happen only for pirated stuff, it's basic human nature that we want to be recognized and praised for things we do. And the bad sentiment of someone else stealing credit for something you took the effort to make is widespread. A lot of crackers are conscious about this, and even though they are removing the DRM from a game, they still encourage paying the developers for games we enjoy, and they also don't remove the credits for the people who made the game. It's a legal and moral grey area, but the culture around giving credit for something you did is well respected inside the scene from my point of view.


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r/Crackwatch: Best and latest scene release info. #UPDATED# Empty Re: r/Crackwatch: Best and latest scene release info. #UPDATED#

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