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Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED]

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Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED] Empty Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 15 Jan 2018, 04:53

I have followed the instructions on this site exactly. My game was up and running beautifully for a few days and then today when I opened it, all of my expansions were missing. I tried moving my game from the Electronic Arts folder to the Program folder, and no luck. I don't have any error codes (no "Origin isn't running" etc.), the game loads quickly, but in the main screen none of my expansions are there and when I try to load a game, only the base game worlds are there. Note that I have updated everything through Cats & Dogs and the fix after that, exactly as the G4TW instructions tell you to. Cats & Dogs was working great for several gameplays until today.

*I am running this using Wineskin on my Mac.

Mod edit: moved to Mac Support.

- The_gh0stm4n


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Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 15 Jan 2018, 10:26

Hello and welcome to G4TW forum @tmcdaniel

Try updating the game with this patch, if this didn't work then you didn't install EPs/SPs/GPs in order like shown here.


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Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 16 Jan 2018, 18:56

Thank Milos. I already have that patch installed, as well as all other DLC in the correct order. Like I said in my original post, I have downloaded EVERYTHING in the correct order, exactly as it says to do on this site. The game was working with all DLC and the latest patch for about 3 gameplay sessions and then suddenly when I opened it the other day, it was all missing.


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Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 16 Jan 2018, 19:06

tmcdaniel wrote:Thank Milos. I already have that patch installed, as well as all other DLC in the correct order. Like I said in my original post, I have downloaded EVERYTHING in the correct order, exactly as it says to do on this site. The game was working with all DLC and the latest patch for about 3 gameplay sessions and then suddenly when I opened it the other day, it was all missing.

Hello @tmcdaniel,

Keep in mind that those torrents are primarily intended for use in Windows OS only, and unfortunately we cannot give official Support on Mac OS-related issues (and I'm almost sure your issue is related to the differing operating system). The best we can offer is that you have a look at the section that says "Mac Fixes" on here, and look at some of the stickied guides that some users posted. Maybe they can shed more light on what you need to keep in mind.


From what is discernible already in these topics (and from the perspective of my non-knowledge in Mac OS), is that simply copying/pasting alone is not enough, unlike in Windows OS.
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Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 19 Jan 2018, 00:47

Thanks for the thoughts- opened the game today and everything was there! No idea what happened, just happy to have it up and running!

Mod edit: problem solved, topic closed then. Have fun with the game, and feel free to get in touch with us again, anytime!

- The_gh0stm4n


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Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Expansions were working, but suddenly they are all missing! Game updated through Cats & Dogs. [SOLVED]

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