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Game wont show anything past after installing other packs

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Game wont show anything past after installing other packs Empty Game wont show anything past after installing other packs

Post by Guest Sun 06 May 2018, 22:29

Hi! I have a big issue when it comes to updating my game. With every pack and update past, none of said pack will show up in my game, and the version won't even update. Is this a common issue and is there any way to fix it without having to reinstall the whole game over again? Thank you!


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Game wont show anything past after installing other packs Empty Re: Game wont show anything past after installing other packs

Post by Guest Mon 07 May 2018, 14:15

Truxxton wrote:Hi! I have a big issue when it comes to updating my game. With every pack and update past, none of said pack will show up in my game, and the version won't even update. Is this a common issue and is there any way to fix it without having to reinstall the whole game over again? Thank you!
Go to this page: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t33100-the-sims-4-alternative-installers-install-dlcs-in-any-order-you-want#
Download the full patch (1x .exe + 3x .bin)
Make sure these 4 files are in 1 directory and run the .exe


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Game wont show anything past after installing other packs Empty Re: Game wont show anything past after installing other packs

Post by Guest Sat 26 May 2018, 03:16

Tarac wrote:
Truxxton wrote:Hi! I have a big issue when it comes to updating my game. With every pack and update past, none of said pack will show up in my game, and the version won't even update. Is this a common issue and is there any way to fix it without having to reinstall the whole game over again? Thank you!
Go to this page: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t33100-the-sims-4-alternative-installers-install-dlcs-in-any-order-you-want#
Download the full patch (1x .exe + 3x .bin)
Make sure these 4 files are in 1 directory and run the .exe
it didnt work: all it told me was that i already had that version patched and that the setup couldn't continue, then it aborted the operation.


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Game wont show anything past after installing other packs Empty Re: Game wont show anything past after installing other packs

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