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Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous!

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Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous! Empty Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous!

Post by Guest Thu 15 Nov 2018, 11:23

Right now update is available on Origin and ZLOrigin. Later, when the crack is available, it will be possible to install update without installing Get Famous DLC with my repack. But I strongly recommend against it. There's a game breaking bug when you use CAS - your sims age a lot. And it seems the bug is gone for people with early access to Get Famous.

So if you want to play with update without installing Get Famous - don't use CAS until there's a patch fixing it.

Source: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/TO-ADD-Sim-ages-while-in-CAS/td-p/7167873


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Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous! Empty Re: Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous!

Post by Guest Thu 15 Nov 2018, 12:17

For people like me, having the Sims 4 cracked and the ZLOrigin version in one and the same directory:
The cracked version will no longer run after this update.

Of course when you have different folders the 1.46 version still runs.
To avoid the error message  "Unable to start, higher version, update via Origin", copy the file Game\Bin\Default.ini from your ZLOrigin game to your cracked game.
When you then start the cracked game it will show version in the introduction screen but of course it still is in fact 1.46.


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Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous! Empty Re: Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous!

Post by Guest Thu 15 Nov 2018, 14:54

Tarac wrote:For people like me, having the Sims 4 cracked and the ZLOrigin version in one and the same directory:
The cracked version will no longer run after this update.

Of course when you have different folders the 1.46 version still runs.
To avoid the error message  "Unable to start, higher version, update via Origin", copy the file Game\Bin\Default.ini from your ZLOrigin game to your cracked game.
When you then start the cracked game it will show version in the introduction screen but of course it still is in fact 1.46.

I'm just keeping the 1.46-GFTW core/crack on an external hard drive. I find it's easier that way. Also gives me the option to play 1.46 without too much hassle if 1.47 seems too vanilla without my hoard of mods.  Smile


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Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous! Empty Re: Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous!

Post by grieralexander Thu 15 Nov 2018, 17:16

anadius wrote:Right now update is available on Origin and ZLOrigin. Later, when the crack is available, it will be possible to install update without installing Get Famous DLC with my repack. But I strongly recommend against it. There's a game breaking bug when you use CAS - your sims age a lot. And it seems the bug is gone for people with early access to Get Famous.

So if you want to play with update without installing Get Famous - don't use CAS until there's a patch fixing it.

Source: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/TO-ADD-Sim-ages-while-in-CAS/td-p/7167873
There are multiple issues, all CAS related from what I've read so far... The Sim Gurus have been made aware and have acknowledged all new bugs and said they are trying to fix most of them at the moment. So, we should expect a new patch soon. On a good note most script mod makers are updating their mods to the newest script language. I've learned that most times a wait and patience pays off when dealing with EA patches.
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Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous! Empty Re: Heads up for people playing update 1.47 without Get Famous!

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