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Cities Skylines torrent error: 'The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk)'.

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Cities Skylines torrent error: 'The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk)'. Empty Cities Skylines torrent error: 'The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk)'.

Post by Guest Sun 07 Apr 2019, 17:28

I'm new so sorry if this is a stupid question but I can't download the Cities Skylines torrent. I just get an error code attached.

Please help!


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Cities Skylines torrent error: 'The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk)'. Empty Re: Cities Skylines torrent error: 'The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk)'.

Post by Guest Sun 07 Apr 2019, 17:31

xblossomis9x wrote:Hi,
I'm new so sorry if this is a stupid question but I can't download the Cities Skylines torrent. I just get an error code attached.

Please help!

I forgot to attach the code  No shit, Sherlock.
It says 'Error: The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk) 
I've tried checking the length of the path and moving locations and this hasn't worked!


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Cities Skylines torrent error: 'The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk)'. Empty Re: Cities Skylines torrent error: 'The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk)'.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 07 Apr 2019, 18:52

xblossomis9x wrote:

I forgot to attach the code  No shit, Sherlock.
It says 'Error: The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk) 
I've tried checking the length of the path and moving locations and this hasn't worked!

Welcome to the Forum first of all,

What is the location/filepath that you are trying to download this thing, to? Note that in the torrent preview it should give you an option to change the download path manually. Can you try downloading directly under the C:\ drive, or the Desktop?

I've seen that error come up every now and then, but usually only when people try saving a download under a location "deep" inside the system, so like C:\(folder)\(folder)\(folder)\(folder)\(folder)\(folder)\(folder)\(folder)\(folder)\(the actual torrent).
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Cities Skylines torrent error: 'The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk)'. Empty Re: Cities Skylines torrent error: 'The system cannot find the path specified (WriteToDisk)'.

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