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Which mods are working and which ones are not for Sims 4 Patch

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Which mods are working and which ones are not for Sims 4 Patch Empty Which mods are working and which ones are not for Sims 4 Patch

Post by grieralexander Tue 26 Nov 2019, 14:55

Dear G4TW Club Members, as promised, here is the link to the mods status as for our last patch. Be aware that many mods have been updated, if your particular mod is not on this list, please contact the mod creator's page to make certain of the mod status. As always keep a backup of your tray files and saves; why? Because in the event that one of your saves or Houses or Sims get corrupted by a Mod or a bug introduced by EA, you do not loose your stuff until a workaround is available. Now enjoy your game, hopefully with less bugs this time around I tip my fedora.


As always go to the bottom of the table and click on Main Tracker, since is updated often. Good job!

Note:  For those that are using Sims 4 Legacy Edition, be aware that mod updates are different for your game than for people with the 64 bit games.
Discharged with Honors
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