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Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error.

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Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error. Empty Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error.

Post by Guest Mon 30 Dec 2019, 07:53

So i just downloaded sins 4 parenthood update i did everything and followed steps properly 
while extracting the files of parenthood, i am getting an error that GP05/ClientFullBuild0.package file is corrupt
so i guess due to corruption of file my game freezes after title screen even after applying the 1.11 gb fix 
Btw i first applied fix file then started the game

can u provide me new files for that?? 
Thank You Smile

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Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error. Empty Re: Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error.

Post by Guest Tue 31 Dec 2019, 09:07

So there are 30 views on this topic and no reply

Plz if anyone have clientfullbuild0.package file in GP05 folder plz provide that one file or the whole folder 
Thank You


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Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error. Empty Re: Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 01 Jan 2020, 02:43

OmKadam2125 wrote:So there are 30 views on this topic and no reply

Plz if anyone have clientfullbuild0.package file in GP05 folder plz provide that one file or the whole folder 
Thank You

Hello and apologies for the slightly belated response @OmKadam2125,

I'll try and help you. It is possible to try and repair your own download, by looking for an option "Force Re-Check" in your torrent client. And it's also worth nothing that if you happen to use uTorrent or Vuze...you should get rid of these programs in 2020 (and beyond). Better torrent clients nowadays are qBittorrent, Tixati, Deluge or Transmission.

People frequently ask for files to be re-uploaded, but it's not something commonly done on here. Usually there is no way to say for certain what causes a problem, and then all we would do is to keep uploading individual files and folders for people, all day long. We used to have a file validator program here, but that was taken down. Not sure about what else could be done here.

Another alternative is for you to search for Sim Architect's website, load up his latest All-In-One Sims 4 torrent, then load up the magnet, and WAIT. There will be a torrent preview in which you are able to check individual folder components that you would like to download. You can check the GP05 folder from there, and re-download it that way.

As for people not helping, it's worth noting first of all that most users join G4TW because they themselves need help. They post a question in order to get help for their issue, and then leave. They typically do not stick around for longer than that. In itself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I myself was also a lurker only, on other sites. So those numbers ("views") mean nothing - at all. Those can be caused by bots/scripts/spiders too.

Another consequence of what I said in my previous paragraph is that there aren't going to be that many people to help out in the first place. It's also been Christmas and New Year's Eve, so pretty much everybody is gone anyways.

What else can I say? Not many people care about Support. I really would like to do more myself, but the day only has *so many* hours. If some random user does show up to help on here, it's almost always someone who doesn't actually care about G4TW, and instead only wants to advertise their own (pirate) Forum/Website. It's very difficult to find even half-coherent volunteer Helpers/Moderators, who really align with G4TW's "mission statement". All I can suggest is to try and bear with us.
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Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error. Empty Re: Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error.

Post by Guest Wed 01 Jan 2020, 11:08

Ohh sorry for that
Btw a very happy new year

So u mean either i should download new torrent from qbittorrent
Or alternatively from other website right?

I will try to do so and inform u whether it helped me or not 
Thank You


Thank you very much i downloaded the folder from sins architect website

Thank you once again Very Happy


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Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error. Empty Re: Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error.

Post by Guest Fri 03 Jan 2020, 10:19

I have a question should i also download delta E folder files from the Sims architect torrent?


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Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error. Empty Re: Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 04 Jan 2020, 04:11

OmKadam2125 wrote:I have a question should i also download delta E folder files from the Sims architect torrent?

What you are talking about are "newer" files for the GP05, that were added most recently.

The "Delta"-folder always contains the latest updates, and if you grab the files now, you might end up with a bunch of newer files that were not present at the time "Parenthood" was released. Which was long ago. And which might cause problems if you decide to insert them in your current  installation of TS4.

If your game is working fine, then you're OK. And if there is problems, look at whether you use any mods, and if yes, make sure the mods are compatible with your particular game patch version ( /
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error. Empty Re: Sims 4 Parenthood GP05 Folder ClientFullBuild0.package error.

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