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How YOU can help us with Direct Download Links! [OBSOLETE]

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How YOU can help us with Direct Download Links! [OBSOLETE] Empty How YOU can help us with Direct Download Links! [OBSOLETE]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 29 Dec 2019, 05:41

So with the help of ~Ann~ I was going to write a more general commentary "on the end of the year 2019", but I thought I make a separate post about this aspect here. So there you go.

0) Introduction

Almost everybody knows by now, or is familiar with the following scenario:

Hypothetical commenter wrote:I can't use torrents, because I live in a Western Liberal DemocracyTM where they monitor internet traffic and cut off the internet if you get caught torrenting certain stuff ... can't you help me out and provide direct download links??

And indeed, direct downloads will enable you to fly under the radar in that regard. Since the almost-universal introduction of "HTTPS" on websites, your ISP is only able to see that you connected to a particular site, at a certain time, and that you transferred a certain amount of data. In general no VPN is needed for that type of download, though I suppose you still can use a VPN if you really like to.

As far as G4TW is concerned we are a very small platform, and we have public direct downloads for only a limited selection of items. It is not visible for most people on here, but we have had our fair share of problems in that regard. They always amount to the same thing: those public direct download links will inevitably get reported by someone or something (a.k.a. those "copyright-report-bots/spiders/scripts"). And yes, maintaining even this small selection of direct downloads is a burden.

We have a couple of paid & private filehosting services on G4TW, but we generally don't intend to use these for public links. I myself use a paid GoogleDrive for hosting these Sims 4 items, and a bunch of free GoogleDrive "dummies" that I use to post the links in public. As a sidenote, because that has come up on occasion: this private GoogleDrive is paid out of my own pocket, and not from the ad revenue we make on here.

So after this lengthier introduction, I'll try and make a transition and get to the "meat" of all that. More recently I have run out of dummy-GoogleDrives (and no, I will not post my private GoogleDrive in public), which is where YOU will come in! Well, maybe. Very Happy

1) Gimme your dummy Google-account!1111111

So frankly I don't really expect this request to result in anything substantial, but I still want to give it a try. Maybe I will be surprised? If anybody of you has a dummy-Google account that you don't use for private/business purposes, you can donate those accounts to G4TW!

Please make sure it is REALLY a dummy account & that it doesn't have any private e-mails/photos/images/files/whatever. It should be really a "blank" Google account. 

Next, go under "Manage my Google account" => "Security" and fill out the line that says recovery e-mail.

How YOU can help us with Direct Download Links! [OBSOLETE] K96t4wv

If you don't do that, and you eventually donate us the login credentials of your dummy Google, we won't be able to login, so please fill out something under Recovery mail there, and also forward us that Recovery mail address when you give us the login credentials. Pro-tip: you can - and should - use one of temporary mail addresses, when you fill out the line. Just search for these temporary mail services. "Guerillamail" is one example.

Please also remove the line "Recovery Phone", from your Google account settings. Most likely you will be prompted to provide a phone number when you set up the Google dummy, so unless you want me to see the phone number you used, remove it from the option above.  What a Face

When you eventually donate us the login credentials and the recovery mail, we merely need to re-type the recovery mail address. No additional confirmation is needed, as the time of writing this guide.

So to sum up:

+ Blank dummy Google-account with no personal data/files whatsoever
+ Recovery-mail filled out in Google account settings
+ Temp mail address used for Recovery mail
+ Phone number removed from Google account settings (!!!)
+ Forwarding us login credentials for dummy Google account & the Recovery mail address
= Success! Very Happy

No later than now, there will doubtlessly be those among you who will ask, very sharply:

Sharp Hypothetical Commenter wrote:But why don't you register dummy accounts yourself Gh0stm4n?!

The reason is because Google are now asking for phone verification during signup. I must admit, I live myself in a Western Liberal DemocracyTM where they have meanwhile started asking for IDs when you even buy a prepaid phone/SIM-card. I've also tried using these temp-phone-number services, but so far I wasn't able to make the Google signup work with those numbers. I suppose a lot of them are simply blocked on Google...

Either way, all those dummy accounts that I am using so far on G4TW here, were registered "back in the days". Meanwhile their storage capacity has reached its maximum, and...well, what can I say? This would be a possibility where you can help us.

If that "offer" looks too shady to you (totally understandable, and after all I am aware of the floating rumors that G4TW is in reality only a storefront for the CIA/Mossad/FSB/MI6/etc), then I have something else for you.

2) Register a MediaFire account through my affiliate/invite link!

I personally would still prefer GoogleDrive, and so will probably most of you, but here is another service that we can use instead. You can create your own MediaFire account through my invite links, posted below. Each person who registers will give me one (1) additional GB of storage space.

I shall now post several invite links. If you get some kind of error that you cannot sign up anymore, then it means the invite link has exceeded the maximum number, which is I think 39 people for each individual invite link.

Choose the "Basic" option when using the links below!





Sharp Hypothetical Commenter wrote:But Gh0stm4n! They can read this thread, and terminate these MediaFire accounts!

That's a risk that we have to take at this point. These are all dummy accounts anyway, and it will also serve as an experiment of how long these accounts will last in practice. I have many more MediaFire accounts on which I can theoretically repeat the procedure; for the moment I am only posting 4 of them here, to test the waters.

The third, and probably simplest alternative for you to help us in that regard:

3) Create a GoogleDrive mirror ... and stay ready

Remember how I always post this tutorial here when we release something new?

You can also help us by simply creating a copy of the original download link, and keeping it on your GoogleDrive if at all possible. Should we make some announcement on the Forum here, we are banking that *someone* will be generous enough to forward us their mirror-link. From which we will then create another mirror, to be posted on G4TW again.

So there you go! I will also probably close this thread. For further questions and/or if you really want to help us by donating these Google accounts, please ONLY use e-mail. Good luck, and to whom it may concern - many thanks in advance for your help.


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G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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