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"It looks like you have installed an unofficial game modification...." [CLOSED]

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"It looks like you have installed an unofficial game modification...." [CLOSED] Empty "It looks like you have installed an unofficial game modification...." [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Mon 07 May 2012, 06:24

Back story: My Sims 3 was working fine and has been ever since I used the ultimate fix the first time. I have had an update available but have just been to lazy to deal with it, so I have just been ignoring it. Well, I go to play one day and see it has been updated. I don't know how or why it was but I now have version I have all expansion expect for the newest Showtime one.

Onto the problem. I went to launch after seeing the update had been installed to see what would happen and the launcher just froze and the little icon just kept spinning but nothing would happen. I eventually had to close it through task manager. The first thing I thought of was using the ultimate fix again! So, I downloaded and followed instructions. I know I followed them correctly because I have done it before, plus I went over instruction about a million times! Hah.

Launcher works, game acts like it is starting up and then never gets past black screen. The message pops up. "it looks like you have installed an unofficial game modification...blah bah" and if I click continue my game loads just perfectly. This would be fine but I later found out I can't save anymore and I have no options to buy anything from buy mode. Not even custom content.

My next steps were doing the fix one more time, removing my Mods folder, and then removing my sims 3 folder from My Documents. Nothing worked.

I am hoping there is a fix to this besides me having to uninstall and then re install everything!

Thank you! Smile


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"It looks like you have installed an unofficial game modification...." [CLOSED] Empty Re: "It looks like you have installed an unofficial game modification...." [CLOSED]

Post by Admin Mon 07 May 2012, 15:25


You might want to read THIS.
Now, you most likely already did that (If not, please still do so), so let's try this:

1. Download and apply this manual patch: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1870-can-t-update-the-sims-3-to-v133-fix-manual-patch
2. After the manual patch finished updating your game, download the latest version of our Ultimate Fix: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t752-the-sims-3-ultimate-fix-should-fix-most-of-your-problems
3. Open the Fix and open the "# Crack" folder. Drag & drop the .exe and .dll file in there to exactly: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin and choose "Replace" on the pop-up that appears, telling you the files already exist.
4. Start the game and test it.

Please let us know if the problem persists.
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