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Can't install expansion packs due to incompatible/unupdatable error during installation

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Can't install expansion packs due to incompatible/unupdatable error during installation Empty Can't install expansion packs due to incompatible/unupdatable error during installation

Post by Guest Wed 11 Jul 2012, 17:55

Ok so this has been driving me up the wall for days, a week or so ago my Sims 3 screwed up and I ended up uninstalling all of my games. I have a cracked version of the base game (http : // thepiratebay.se/torrent/5061019/The_Sims_3_(Mac__cracked)) and I have Generations and Pets (both store brought). I've got my base game working now, however whenever I get to installing my expansions it will come up with the error that it's not compatible with the generations/pets game and my version is unupdatable. I've tried countless fixes from dozens of sites, and none of them seem to be working for me.. I've tried updating to the latest patch, updating to a certain patch, extracting using a certain software, changing codes in the files, and I think almost every solution I've seen on this site, and nothing has made any difference. I've had it working before, so I know the solution is out there somewhere...

Can anyone help? Sad


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Can't install expansion packs due to incompatible/unupdatable error during installation Empty Re: Can't install expansion packs due to incompatible/unupdatable error during installation

Post by Guest Mon 16 Jul 2012, 04:08

I know you said you tried every patch under the sun, however did you first install the manual patch that's here and then install Generations and Pets?!

I had this same problem with Katy Perry,Showtime,Generations and Pets and found the answer in this post: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t3830-the-sims-3-showtime-compatibility-error-solved?highlight=SOLVED

I did that and it started to install. Hope this helps. Smile


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